TOP 40 WARMEST BOISE SUMMERS Average temperatures for the 40 warmest summers (June-July-August) of 137 are tabulated below. To the right are the average temperatures of the winters which followed (December-January-February). Summer temperatures are ranked from warm to less warm. Two figures are given for winter temperatures. The first number is from cold to mild. The second number is from mild to cold. So 1865 had the warmest summer on record followed by the 10th coldest (130th mildest) winter. If a winter ranked among the top 40 coldest the year is marked with an asterisk (*). If a winter ranked among the top 40 mildest the year is marked with a pound sign (#). In 14 cases a top-40 summer was followed by a top-40 coldest winter. In 10 cases a top-40 summer was followed by a top-40 mildest winter. In the remaining 17 cases the winter didn’t make the top 40 either way. winter rank among... Year Summer coldest warmest 1865* 76.8 1 26.4 10 130 1869 76.6 2 33.7 87 53 2015# 76.6 tie 35.5 128 25 2013 76.5 3 31.2 54 97 2007 76.4 4 32.5 75 72 2017 76.2 5 2003 75.9 6 33.5 60 89 1961* 75.7 7 28.1 24 116 2012 75.7 8 30.3 108 41 1875# 75.5 9 37.8 136 4 2006 75.5 10 33.3 62 87 1871# 75.2 11 35.9 121 19 1870 74.9 12 31.1 48 92 1874* 74.8 13 26.4 11 129 1873 74.7 14 34.7 101 39 2014 74.7 tie 37.9 148 3 1967 74.2 16 32.8 77 63 1936* 74.2 tie 27.7 21 119 2004# 74.1 18 35.0 33 116 2016 74.1 tie ? ? ? 1872 74.0 20 32.9 79 61 2009# 73.8 21 34.8 37 111 1994# 73.7 22 36.0 125 15 1970# 73.7 tie 35.0 107 33 1906# 73.7 tie 37.3 132 8 1864* 73.7 tie 26.0 9 131 1931* 73.6 26 28.9 28 112 2000 73.5 27 30.7 46 94 2008 73.5 tie 33.2 64 85 2002# 73.4 29 37.6 135 5 2001 73.4 tie 32.1 65 75 1922 73.4 tie 32.1 61 79 1926 73.3 32 33.9 90 50 1868# 73.2 33 36.4 127 13 1998 73.1 34 34.3 95 45 2005 73.1 tie 33.5 60 89 1933# 73.0 36 42.1 139 1 1960# 72.9 37 34.9 106 34 1940# 72.9 tie 36.0 123 17 1878 72.9 tie 32.3 67 73 1996# 72.8 40 35.1 108 32 12/10/2017 TOP 40 BOISE WARMEST SUMMERS.txt