National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Severe Weather - What You Need to Know
Click to begin Section 1 Module

In the effort to spread knowledge about severe weather, the National Weather Service in Birmingham has put together 3 educational modules everyone should take the time to watch.  It is suggested you watch them in order, as each module builds on the previous, but it's not required.

In the first section, we delve into the science of tornado and severe thunderstorm forecasting and detection.  We answer the questions, "What is a Tornado?" and "What is a Supercell?"  We also touch on how wind shear and instability act together to produce severe weather.  Finally, we go over some basic weather definitions with which everyone should be familiar.

In Section 2, we dive into the severe weather warning process.  What is the difference between Storm Based Warnings and County Based Warnings?  What is a Polygon?  If you have ever wondered the thought process by which NWS forecasters issue warnings, this is the educational module for you.  Click to begin Section 2 Module
Click to begin Section 3 Module

You can't protect yourself or your family if you're not weather prepared.  Section 3 of our education modules will help you with that.  It covers basic weather safety, creating an Emergency Preparedness Plan and what you need to do to stay weather aware.

After watching Section 3, for more information about creating Emergency Preparedness Plans and being weather aware, click here.