2023/01/04 18Z DM12-22.02 REPLACEMENT OF GOES-17 DERIVED MOTION WIND BUFR DATA WITH GOES-18 DERIVED MOTION WIND BUFR DATA NOXX10 KWBC 291900 Data Mgt Message 12.22-02 To: AWIPS/NOAAPort Users. Emergency Managers Weather Information Network /EMWIN/ National Weather Services /NWS/ Customers. WAFS Users. GTS Users. From: RTH Washington Data Management Subject: REPLACEMENT OF GOES-17 DERIVED MOTION WIND BUFR DATA WITH GOES-18 DERIVED MOTION WIND BUFR DATA Effective: 1/4/2023 1800UTC WMO Headers: https://www.weather.gov/source/datamgmt/GTS_WMO_Headers_G18_AMV_BUFR.txt Submitting Authority: HONGMING QI HONGMING.QI@NOAA.GOV IS THE COGNIZANT TECHNICAL INDIVIDUAL FROM NOAA/NESDIS FOR THIS ITEM. On January 4.. 2023 at 1800 UTC.. the GOES-18 satellite will be declared the Operational GOES-West satellite. All products and services containing GOES-17 data will be transitioned to GOES-18 data. For GTS customers this includes the Derived Motion Wind products in BUFR format. The headers used for GOES-17 products will remain in use for GOES-18 products when it becomes the operational GOES-West satellite. Once GOES-18 is declared operational.. the Derived Motion Wind products for GOES-17 will no longer be made available. Note that the GOES-18 Transition to Operations will occur regardless of a Critical Weather Day declaration. For NOAAPORT and NON-AWIPS Customers - if you have any questions regarding distribution or would like to add these products to your datastream please contact Data Management at ncep.nco.dm@noaa.gov. This information is also posted on the NWS Data Management change notices web page. The url is listed below. https://www.weather.gov/datamgmt/notices Data Management NCO Implementation & Data Services Branch College Park GISC/RTH Washington Sends