The YYYY_soil_temp.csv files contain soil temperature data (°F) from sensors placed at various depth (in inches) in the soil profile. Some sites have temperature measurements at multiple depths within the soil. The area of data coverage is limited to the National Weather Service North Central River Forecast Center service area. For data outside of this area of coverage, please contact the National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office ( or River Forecast Center ( servicing your area of interest. The data in this file are pooled from a number of networks which include but are not limited to: -NOAA - National Weather Service, U.S. Climate Reference Network, -Michigan Enviro-Weather Automated Weather Station Network, -North Dakota Ag Weather Network, -U.S. Fish and Wildlife and BLM Remote Automatic Weather Stations, -other individuals and organizations who share their data with the National Weather Service. Please note that the data collection instruments and methods may differ between networks. This data has not been quality controlled; Please use it with care. If you have questions about this data please contact the North Central River Forecast Center at 952-361-6650 or --- Data Fields: -nws_id = National Weather Service ID for the measuring site -physicalelement = parameter code, where TB stands for temperature in bare soil at depth and TV stands for temperature in vegetated soil at depth -datetime(GMT) = date and time at which the measurement is valid, in terms of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). -sitename = Descriptive name for the measuring site -wfo = Weather Forecast Office. This column contains the three-letter acronym for a National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office. -latitude = latitude -longitude = longitude -soiltemp(F) = Temperature of the soil at a specified depth in terms of degrees Fahrenheit. -depth(in) = Depth in the soil profile (typically between 2 and 60 inches) at which the soil temperature was measured. -afos_id = Automation of Field Operations and Services (AFOS) ID. This column contains the product codes under which the soil temperature data was transmitted. -extremum = Single-character descriptor which allows identification of maximum and minimum values.