National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Severe Thunderstorms in the Central U.S.; Upper Level Low Over California

Scattered severe thunderstorms are possible today across central and eastern Minnesota, Iowa, and western Wisconsin. A few tornadoes, isolated very large hail, and damaging winds may occur. An upper level low will help trigger scattered thunderstorms over portions of central and southern California today along with a few inches of snow in the central Sierra Nevadas. Read More >

Madhuri Edwards

Madhuri Edwards

The Office of Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Audit provides an independent, objective verification of financial, administrative and operational activities of the NWS including program evaluation and monitoring mechanisms. The Office manages both identification and management of corporate level risks and ensures that risk management practices are effective, impartial and objective. The Office consolidates information required to identify and control exposure to corporate risks which may have an impact on the achievement of NWS goals and objectives. The Office is responsible for developing and managing a risk register for NWS, consistent with NOAA and DOC guidance. It uses a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effective, efficient and economical use of all resources. The Office will develop, manage and maintain a process that is applied to the NWS strategy across the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may affect the NWS, and manage risk to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of NWS objectives. The Office also ensures the regularity and integrity of receipt, custody and disposal of all funds and other financial resources of NWS. This includes but is not limited to the conformity of expenditures with the appropriations or other financial provisions per Congress, OMB, DOC, NOAA or NWS internal controls, or with the rules and purpose related to other NWS budget authorities; completion of annual milestones and activities provided as part of the NWS Annual Operating Plan and the President’s Budget, reviews the reliability and integrity of managerial and operating data; process and procedural reviews of internal controls, risk management and governance processes; compliance of all financial and other management activities with the established legislation, policy directives, administration orders, relevant laws, regulations, contracts and external standards; and timeliness, completeness, and accuracy of financial and other administrative data. The Office coordinates with NOAA auditing and risk management functions to ensure alignment with NOAA-wide activities and aims to avoid duplication and overlaps in duties.