National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Snow today, followed by the coldest air of the early winter during the middle to latter part of the week, will affect much of the region.

The snow will diminish from west to east starting this afternoon. But hazardous travel conditions will linger into the evening across much of the area, and possibly all night in Door County. A total snowfall of 3 to 9 inches is expected across Wisconsin, with the highest amounts in a band from west-central through southeast Wisconsin. See the map at the right for the latest snowfall forecast for today though this evening (does not include snow that fell overnight).

Cold air will then pour into the state from the north starting late Monday night, bringing wind chills well below zero by mid-week. See the "Cold" tab below for details on just how cold it will get in your area.


Click HERE for information on how you can avoid being caught unaware on the road in a hazardous winter event.

Additional Snowfall Forecast 6 AM - 6 PM
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