National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Severe Thunderstorms in the Southern High Plains Saturday; Coastal Flooding in the East

Scattered severe thunderstorms are possible Saturday afternoon into early evening across parts of the southern High Plains. Damaging winds, large hail, isolated tornadoes, and heavy to excessive rainfall are possible. Along the Atlantic Coast, widespread minor to isolated moderate coastal flooding at high tides is forecast through the weekend. Read More >

McAlester, Oklahoma
May Climate Data (Page 1)

    |------Normals 1981-2010------| |--------- Record Temperatures ---------|
     Temperature   Precipitation     Hi        Lo        Hi        Lo         
Day  Mx/Mn  Mean  Day  Month  Year   Max  Year Max  Year Min  Year Min  Year   Day
 1   76/55   66   .17   .17  12.60    90  2003  51  1966  73  2002  35 *2014    1 
 2   76/55   66   .17   .34  12.77    88  1955 (48) 2011  69  1955  37 *2013    2 
 3   77/55   66   .17   .51  12.94    88 *2012  55  1954  71  2020 (34) 2011    3 
 4   77/56   66   .17   .68  13.11    92 *2014  53  2013  72 *2020 (34) 1954    4 
 5   77/56   67   .16   .84  13.27    89  1996  58  1978  73  2007  39  1979    5 
 6   77/56   67   .18  1.02  13.45    90  1961  61  1960  74  2007  41  1991    6 
 7   77/57   67   .16  1.18  13.61    92  1955  62  1972  72  1961  39  1982    7 
 8   78/57   67   .16  1.34  13.77    89 *2024  66  1980  73  2002  40  1976    8 
 9   78/57   68   .17  1.51  13.94    90  1956  61 *2010  75  2022  39  1980    9 
10   78/58   68   .16  1.67  14.10    90 *2016  55  1954  75  2022  41  1997   10 
11   78/58   68   .16  1.83  14.26    91  1967  57  1954  73 *2014  39  1981   11 
12   79/58   68   .16  1.99  14.42    90  2022  58  2020  74  2010  37  1960   12 
13   79/59   69   .17  2.16  14.59    92  1956  64  2014  72  1956  43  1960   13 
14   79/59   69   .17  2.33  14.76    90 *2022  62  1967  73  1998  42  1971   14 
15   79/59   69   .16  2.49  14.92    91  1995  58  1983  73  1990  42  1973   15 
16   79/60   69   .17  2.66  15.09    88 *1998  68  2009 (77) 1974  41  1983   16 
17   80/60   70   .16  2.82  15.25    91  1988  69  2014  76  1974  44  1973   17 
18   80/60   70   .17  2.99  15.42    95  1956  63  2016  74  1974  42  1976   18 
19   80/60   70   .16  3.15  15.58    95  1956  60  1981  73 *2018  44  1995   19 
20   80/61   71   .17  3.32  15.75    94  1956  65  1997  73 *2022  43  1981   20 
21   81/61   71   .17  3.49  15.92    91 *2005  60  1967  72 *1998  48 *2001   21 
22   81/61   71   .17  3.66  16.09    94  2005  61 *2015  76  1998  44  1963   22 
23   81/62   71   .18  3.84  16.27    95  1956  65  1961  76  2019  43  1963   23 
24   81/62   72   .17  4.01  16.44    93  1958  65  1992  76  2008  49  1963   24 
25   82/62   72   .17  4.18  16.61    92 *2006  66  2022  74 *2012  45  1979   25 
26   82/62   72   .17  4.35  16.78    94  2024  67  1961  75  2008  47  2001   26 
27   82/63   72   .17  4.52  16.95    94  2024  63  1976  74  2006  46  1961   27 
28   82/63   73   .16  4.68  17.11    92  2018  55  1992  75  2006  48  1976   28 
29   83/63   73   .16  4.84  17.27    93 *2018  64  1964  75  1982  48  1984   29 
30   83/64   73   .17  5.01  17.44   (98) 2003  66  1964  75  1974  46  1984   30 
31   83/64   74   .16  5.17  17.60   (98) 1998  71 *2015  75 *2022  47  1972   31 

* Indicates occurrences in previous years     ( ) Indicates monthly extremes
May Monthly Normals 1981-2010: 
Normal Max Temperature:   79.5F   Monthly Heating Degree Days:        34 
Normal Min Temperature:   59.4F   Season Total Heating Degree Days: 3189 
Normal Mean Temperature:  69.5F   Monthly Cooling Degree Days:       172 
Normal Monthly Rainfall:  5.17"   Season Total Cooling Degree Days:  246 
Normal Monthly Snowfall:   0.0"
(Monthly normals are computed by adding all of the daily mean data
 and then dividing by the number of days in the month)


Updated: June 5, 2024