National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Shapefile Type: Polygon

Data source: Derived from U.S. Counties based on state attribute.

Naming convention: s_ddmmyy  where ddmmyy = day-month-year

Description: State background map used internally in NWS.


Description Valid date Data Download # Records MD5SUM Documentation
U.S. States and Territories 05 March 2024 59 70e061debb251e2cda73fa084ea7c6ed
Last Update: 22-FEB-24
Change History Metadata


 Shapefile Attributes:

Field Name Type width,dec Description
STATE character 2 State abbrev [aa]
NAME character 24 State name
FIPS character 2 State FIPS Code [ss]
LON numeric 10,5 Longitude of centroid [decimal degrees]
LAT numeric 9,5 Latitude of centroid [decimal degrees]