National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
AHPS Theme Area Team Information

Team Objective: Develop annual, theme-specific work plans for review and approval by the AHPS Review Committee (ARC) and confirmation by the NOAA Hydrology Program Manager. Plans should be based on an assessment of what tasks need to be completed, and in what order, to satisfy AHPS theme area requirements outlined in the AHPS Development and Implementation Plan.

Work Plan Content and Task Monitoring: Work plans should include a prioritized list of recommended AHPS fiscal year deliverables, associated costs, and schedules; and identify the NWS office(s) responsible for each deliverable. When it is necessary to use the AHPS General Services Contract to accomplish a task, coordination with the contractor (to determine cost and schedule) will be through the AHPS Program Manager or his representative. NWS offices approved to lead a task will be responsible for deliverables. The status of work plan tasks will be monitored and reported upon quarterly by the AHPS Program Office – the teams are only responsible for developing the work plan. Draft quarterly reports will be provided to team members for review and coordination prior to distribution to the ARC.

Team Organization: The membership of each theme area team will be reviewed annually and should have field and headquarters representation. Team membership will include individuals collectively knowledgeable of field operations, services and development. NWS offices responsible for the deliverables are not required to have representation on the work plan team, though the team will coordinate proposed tasks with the responsible office.

Team Lead: A team lead, with assistance from the Hydrology Program Coordinator, is to oversee the development of the team’s annual theme area work plan and, as appropriate, assure coordination with NWS personnel, e.g., Hydrologists-in-Charge, Development and Operations Hydrologists and Service Hydrologists, and integration with other theme areas.

Team Web Site: A website with the information needed by all the teams (including this document) will be set up at
This website will include most of the documents mentioned below for Resources along with timeline and team membership information.

Schedule: In order for the ARC to approve an FY 2005 AHPS program during the November 2004 ARC meeting, each team should complete a draft FY 2005 work plan with identified tasks and deliverables by October 15 . The AHPS Program Office will compile theme-specific work plans and submit them to the ARC by October 25.

Resources available for work plan development include: