National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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A Winter Weather Advisory was issued for most of Southeast Michigan on February 3rd and 4th, 2018 for a long duration widespread snow event. The event started on Saturday with warm air advection leading to broad and persistent, yet weak, isentropic lift over the region. With dry air in the low levels of the troposphere, the event started primarily with virga. Eventually this activity was enough to saturate the lower levels and light snow began to reach the ground on Saturday afternoon. A dusting to an inch was received around the region before more low level dry air moved in and a lull in activity occurred during the evening hours.

Snowfall increased again early Sunday morning as an Arctic cold front began to push through. The front cleared the region from northwest to southeast by mid-afternoon, dropping temperatures from the 30s into the teens and bringing gusts around 25 mph.  The winds made measuring snowfall challenging given the blowing snow.  Several bands of snowfall pushed through on the back side of this front and brought the highest snowfall totals just over 6”.

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