National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

MAROB Program


The MAROB Program seeks the participation of all mariners, both commercial and recreational, which are not part of the more in-depth VOS program. It is the goal of the program to collect as many marine observations as practicable, to improve the accuracy of coastal, offshore and high seas forecasts, by taking advantage of technological advancements in marine communications and the proliferation of the Internet.

MAROB observations will be in coded form which can be better ingested, distributed and displayed by forecasters than observations in plain language. The MAROB report format will be identical to coded reports of the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Program, with the exception that "MAROB" will replace "BBXX". The MAROB program will differ from the VOS Program in at least several other aspects: Although MAROBs will be used by forecasters in forecast decision process, these data will likely not be used directly by computer models; Any communications charges and the cost of any observing equipment will not be reimbursed by the Weather Service; The observation elements collected will typically be a subset of those collected in the full VOS report.

At present, mariners may participate in the MAROB program in one of three ways:

1. You can send in YOTREPs (Yacht Reports) via WinLink 2000 Global Radio Network, or Sailmail using their AIRMAIL software. 

2. For the real "power user", by entering the observation data into the AMVER/SEAS software of the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program and sending the encoded data to the National Weather Service via e-mail.

3. Using WINLINK’s QTH Reporter restricted webpage which is intended for the net control operators of large maritime mobile ham nets. Send an e-mail to for further information. For documentation on sending MAROBs using QTh Reporter CLICK HERE

Note: Any reference to a commercial product or service does not imply any endorsement by the National Weather Service as to function or suitability for your purpose or environment.

Other voluntary marine observation programs of the National Weather Service