National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Cooler with showers possible Thursday night into Friday morning

Partly cloudy skies tonight with lows in the 30s, then more seasonal temps into the weekend before another warm-up into next week. Chances for showers Thursday night to Friday. Read More >


A strong and very wet storm system arrived Friday night with rain overspreading the area. This rain was heavy for areas near and south of I-96, where 2-3 inches of rain fell. Daily rainfall records for January 11th were set at Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Lansing, and Kalamazoo. Colder air came in from the north on Saturday, changing precipitation over from rain, to a mixture of sleet and freezing rain.

Freezing rain and sleet continued into Saturday evening, before changing over to snowfall across the area, then ending overnight.

Ice amounts ranged from a trace toward Ludington to the northwest and I-94 to the south, and between 0.1 and 0.3 inches for the most part elsewhere. Snow amounts ranged from a couple of tenths across I-94, to as much as 3-4 inches toward Ludington and Baldwin.

Below is a map of the precipitation amounts, pictures of the flooding and ice from around the area, and radar loops during the event.













                   Total Rainfall Map             Snowfall Map with Ice Amounts Overlaid


                    NWS Grand Rapids (NWS)


Photo Courtesy of Amy Hovey - Lowell, MI


Photo Courtesy of Victoria Lee - Delton, MI


Saranac, MI (NWS)

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