National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Fair Weather Tonight; Near Record Warmth Tuesday/Wednesday

Skies will be partly cloudy tonight and Monday. A big warm up will occur Tuesday and Wednesday with near record highs well into the 70's along with gusty south winds over 30 mph. Read More >

The streak has come to an end!


As of 4:36 p.m. Tuesday, the temperature reached 90 degrees at Gerald Ford Airport, the official observation site. It did not last long, however, as it dropped back to 89 degrees at 4:41 p.m. The last time Grand Rapids hit 90 degrees or warmer was on September 10, 2013. On that date, Grand Rapids hit 94 degrees.


Cooler temperatures will work their way back into the forecast, which could possibly make this one of the last decent chances to reach what has recently become a "milestone" mark in Grand Rapids.


To tie the record, Grand Rapids would have had to make it to Friday, August 14th without hitting 90 degrees. Making it through August 15th would have broken the record. While Grand Rapids did not tie or break the record, it turned out to be the second longest such streak.