Snow will develop across the area tonight between 9pm along the Lake Michigan shoreline and 2am towards Highway 127 from Mt. Pleasant to Jackson. Most locations tonight will see an inch or two of snow by daybreak. Additional snow is expected on Saturday. Read More >
Grand Rapids, MI
Weather Forecast Office
This shows the snowfall for each of the 3 days of this heavy snow event. Wednesday was the day with the most snowfall in the our Northwest Counties. Also note that on Thursday the area of heavy snowfall shifted southward along the lake shore. It was on Thursday when the snowfall was actually the heaviest.
This is this events grand total snowfall. Decatur was the big winner for the greatest snowfall with 20 inches. It should be noted that the area from Holland to Grand Rapids also had similar heavy snowfall amounts in the range of 1.5 feet.
This map shows the actual snowfall reports from various sources during this winter storm event.
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Grand Rapids, MI
4899 Tim Dougherty Drive SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512-4034
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