National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Scattered Severe Thunderstorms Across the Northern Plains; Fire Weather Concerns in the Western U.S.

Scattered severe thunderstorms are forecast across central and eastern North Dakota, as well as far northwest Minnesota Saturday (Slight Risk level 2 of 5). Damaging wind gusts are the primary threat. Elevated to critical fire weather conditions will persist through the weekend across the Western U.S. Isolated dry thunderstorms could lead to new fire starts over portions of the northern Rockies. Read More >

If you have reached this page it is because you have tried to obtain NWS forecasts in Spanish. As outlined in SCN24-30, the pages at that supported Spanish language forecasts will be terminated on or around April 30th, 2024. NWS is currently working on revamping all of to make it more accessible, including plans to provide enhanced translation capabilities in the future. In the interim, alternatives exist for Spanish translation even though they are not one-to-one replacements. NWS is providing alerts and selected forecast information, experimentally in multiple languages, including Spanish, at Another alternative is the use of a third-party translation application such as Google Translate.

Si ha llegado a esta página es porque usted ha intentado obtener los pronósticos del NWS en español. Como se describe en el SCN24-30, las páginas en que respaldaban los pronósticos en español finalizarán alrededor del 30 de abril de 2024. NWS está trabajando actualmente para renovar todo y para hacerlo más accesible, inclullendo planes para proporcionar capacidades de traducción en el futuro. Mientras tanto, existen alternativas para la traducción al español aunque no sean reemplazos uno a uno. El NWS proporciona alertas e información de pronósticos, de manera experimental, en varios idiomas, incluido el español, en Otra alternativa es el uso de una aplicación de traducción de terceros como Google Translate.