National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Our Commitment
We approach collective bargaining with a firm commitment to constructive discussion as we work to strengthen the collective bargaining agreement for the benefit of National Weather Service operations, our stakeholders and our employees.

Just as we worked collaboratively during the Agency’s modernization and restructuring effort in the 1990s, we hope to engage NWSEO in a shared effort to support the vital goal of building a Weather-Ready Nation, as well as preparing and positioning our workforce to provide the best possible services and forecasts to our partners and all the people who rely on us.

Our Negotiating Principles

  • To reach agreement through constructive dialogue at the bargaining table
  • To be open to proposals from NWSEO that we believe support and advance the mission of the National Weather Service
  • To be transparent in communicating our goals
  • To respect the important role of NWSEO in representing our employees and to bargain in good faith.

Follow the progress at the bargaining table here: