National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Picayune, MS Tornado - March 9, 2011

Estimated Maximum Wind:
90 mph
Damage Path Length:
3 miles
Maximum Path Width:
100 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:
5 miles SW of Picayune, MS at 525 AM
Approximate End Point/Time:
1 miles NE of Picayune, MS at 530 AM


A National Weather Service Damage Assessment Team has surveyed the storm damage in Pearl River County near Picayune, MS. It has been determined the damage was the result of a tornado. The tornado has been rated an EF-1 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale. Damage estimates were consistent with winds of 90 mph.

The tornado touched down 5 miles southwest of Picayune on Jackson Landing Road...and continued on an intermittent path to the northeast across South Beech Street and Goodyear Road. The tornado dissipated about 1 mile northeast of Picayune near Adcox Road and Highway 43. Damage was observed near 6th Avenue and Forest Street where a large tree snapped and fell onto a house. Additionally...the tornado may have been the same parent tornado that began near Lacombe. However it is currently recorded as a separate tornado due to the lack of damage survey data through the Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge. The tornado damage path was 3 miles long and was 100 yards wide at its widest point. No injuries or deaths were reported.

Picayune, MS tornado track of Mar 9, 2011
Surveyed damage track near Picayune, MS  Download in KML  Disclaimer

KLIX reflectivity for Picayune, MS tornado of 3/9/2011
KLIX WSR-88D Reflectivity of tornado near Picayune, MS - March 9, 2011 0519 CST

KLIX Storm Relative Velocity product for Picayune, MS tornado of 3/9/2011
KLIX WSR-88D Storm Relative Velocity of tornado near Picayune, MS - March 9, 2011 0519 CST



Exterior brick wall failure

Destroyed shed

Snapped tree

Trailer destroyed

Destroyed outbuilding

Tree on roof of home

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