National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

NOAA Atlas 2 Precipitation Frequency Estimates
in GIS Compatible Formats

Effective August 6, 2003, NOAA Atlas 2 has been superseded by NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 1 for Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah.
Effective April 8, 2011, NOAA Atlas 2 has been superseded by NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 6 for California.
Effective April 19, 2013, NOAA Atlas 2 has been superseded by NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 8 for Colorado.
Visit the Precipitation Frequency Data Server for more information.

This web page provides access to high-resolution (15-sec) NOAA Atlas 2 precipitation frequency grids for 2-year and 100-year average recurrence intervals and for 6-hour and 24-hour durations for 5 states in the western U.S. (Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming).

To view a scanned version of current NOAA Atlas 2 document for a specific state, please visit our PF Documents page.

To view a complete set of scanned maps from NOAA Atlas 2, visit the Western Regional Climate Center page.

    To obtain the precipitation frequency estimates at a given point, enter the latitude and longitude (as a negative number) in decimal degrees:
                   Latitude: Longitude:
    These spatial data sets are provided in an ArcInfo ASCII grid format. Please read the metadata before making any use of the datasets.
    The files can either be downloaded via the following methods:

    1) Via pull-down menu:

    2) Via web browser: alternatively you can peruse the https directory via a browser. For example, NA2 grids for Idaho are located here.

    The GIS formats are provided as a convenience to users and do not imply endorsement by or represent opinions of the U.S. Government.

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