National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Marion County Tornado

Tornado Track Map


Tornado Map

 Click on the map above for a detailed, interactive track map and damage pictures.


Event Summary

Numerous trees were snapped and uprooted along the path. A couple of sheds and a gazebo were destroyed. Shingle damage occurred to a couple of homes. A metal carport was blown onto a house. In addition, an antenna atop a house was snapped. This was likely a continuation of the tornado out of Walthall County. The summary of that tornado can be found here from the National Weather Service in Slidell.

Estimated Maximum Wind:
100 mph
Damage Path Length:
3 miles in Marion County,  20 miles total
Maximum Path Width:
100 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:
6 SW Columbia
Approximate End Point/Time:
5 SW Columbia