National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 11:20:17 pm CDT

A more active weather pattern is expected to start in Middle Tennessee Wednesday night. No severe storms are expected initially, as that threat will come into play on Friday night. All modes of severe weather are possible Friday night, with Saturday being a bit more uncertain on specifics right now. Stay tuned to the forecast to get the latest updates!
Confidence in severe weather is increasing Friday and into Saturday, but specific details regarding severity and timing remains uncertain. Continue to pay attention to the forecast this week and have a plan in place should severe weather occur.
Heavy rain is expected to accompany this weekend's storm system. Highest chances for rain totals exceeding 2 inches is across the Cumberland Plateau. These amounts may cause flooding concerns, particularly on Saturday.
Strong non-thunderstorm winds are expected across Middle TN, particularly across the Cumberland Plateau on Saturday. Wind gusts in excess of 45 mph can blow away loose outdoor objects, down trees and tree branches, and cause sporadic power outages.


Middle Tennessee Weather History For March 11th...
On March 11, 1923...Wind gust of 72 mph is recorded at Nashville.


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