National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Cooler with showers possible Thursday night into Friday morning

Partly cloudy skies tonight with lows in the 30s, then more seasonal temps into the weekend before another warm-up into next week. Chances for showers Thursday night to Friday. Read More >

January 28 - 31, 2019: Days of Snow, Low Visibility, and Extreme Cold


A typical scene across Lower Michigan during the cold and snow event with low visibility due to blowing snow and hazardous driving conditions. Photo taken on 1/29/2019 in the Grand Rapids area. 

Much of the Midwest experienced an arctic cold outbreak and a prolonged period of falling and blowing snow during the last few days of January. More than a foot of snow fell across parts of Lower Michigan with wind chills from -20 to -40 F. The combination of the extreme cold and snow led to dangerous and life-threatening travel conditions across the state closing schools and businesses for a number of days. Additionally, numerous car pile-ups led to the closure of many area roadways, highways, and interstates. The remarkable longevity of the cold and snowy conditions combined with the sheer number of impacts from school, business, and road closures will surely make the end of January 2019 remembered for years. 


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