National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Prairieville, LA Tornado - February 23, 2016

Estimated Maximum Wind:
80 mph
Damage Path Length:
1.6 miles
Maximum Path Width:
200 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:
1.1 miles NW of Prairieville, LA at 1208 PM CST
Approximate End Point/Time:
2.4 miles NW of Prairieville, LA at 1213 PM CST


A National Weather Service Damage Assessment Team has surveyed the storm damage in Prairieville, LA. It has been determined the damage was the result of a tornado. The tornado has been rated an EF-0 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale. Damage estimates were consistent with winds of 80 mph.

The tornado touched down just before a strip mall on Airline Highway containing a Gold's Gym. Damage to the gym consisted of an exterior wall failing due to the roof being peeled back. The tornado then crossed Highway 61 (Airline Highway), and hit several business producing roof and siding damage. The garage doors at a local car mechanic shop were pushed in, and a sign for a fast food restaurant was knocked over. The tornado continued to the northeast into a residential area damaging roofs, sheds, and patios at several homes. The tornado damage path was 1.6 miles long and was 200 yards wide at its widest point.

Prairieville, LA tornado track of Feb 23, 2016
Surveyed damage track in Prairieville, LA  Download in KML  Disclaimer

KLIX radar data for Prairieville, LA tornado of 2/23/2016
KLIX WSR-88D radar data for Prairieville, LA tornado at 1213 CST 2/23/2016



Exterior wall failure at a strip mall

Roof damage to a bank building

Siding removed at a strip mall

Branched snapped on hardwood tree

Roof damage to a home

Siding and roof damage to a home

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