National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Pleasant weather encompassed central Kentucky and southern Indiana for much of August. In fact, there were very few 90°+ high temperatures, much below normal. In Louisville, you have to go back to the mid-1990s for an August with a similar lack of 90° days. In Frankfort, there hasn't been an August without a 90° high.

  2015 Total Fewest Since (Total) August Normal 
Louisville (Standiford Field) 4 1997** (4) 11
Lexington  1 2004 (0) 7
Bowling Green 5 2013 (4) 16
Frankfort 0 1967^ (1) 8


** The last time Louisville had fewer than four 90° days in August was in 1984 when there were only two.

^ also 1946, 1910, 1907, and 1905