National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Fire Weather Concerns in Portions of the Southern Plains and the East Coast

Elevated to locally-critical fire weather conditions may develop across portions of the Southern Plains and Northeast into the Mid-Atlantic. Near record heat will expand from the Southern Plains into the Lower Mississippi Valley and Central Gulf Coast states into Friday. Read More >

Fire Weather Products Criteria

Fire Weather Watch and Red Flag Warning

Fire Weather Watches will be issued to indicate the potential for dangerous fire weather conditions 24 to 96 hours in advance of the expected onset of criteria. A Red Flag Warning is used to warn of an impending or occurring Red Flag Event. Its issuance denotes a high degree of confidence that weather and fuel conditions consistent with local Red Flag Event criteria will occur in 12 to 24 hours or less. Forecasters can issue the watch or warning for all or selected portions within a fire weather zone. The Red Flag event is verified when the weather and fuel conditions listed below are met simultaneously for any three (3) hours or more during the period. The warning should remain in effect until the critical fire weather pattern ends.

The following weather and fuel conditions must be forecast to occur or already occurring before issuing a Fire Weather Watch and/or Red Flag Warning for the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles:
  1. A) Minimum relative humidities equal to or less than 15 percent
    B) 20 foot winds of 20 mph or higher and/or gusts to 35 mph or higher
    C) NFDRS adjective fire danger rating of "High" or higher

Rangeland or Grassland Fire Danger Statement

A Rangeland or Grassland Fire Danger Statement product is a miscellaneous product which provides advisory information on elevated rangeland and/or grassland fire potential or conditions. Forecasters can issue the Fire Danger Statement for all or selected portions within a fire weather zone. The Fire Danger Statement will be issued when the fire weather customers request the product. The forecaster has the option to consider issuing a Fire Danger Statement when there are extenuating circumstances which would require modifications to the issuance criteria. This product may be issued on a routine or non-routine basis.

The following weather and fuel conditions must be forecast to occur or already occurring before issuing a Fire Danger Statement for the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles or when there is a report of ongoing wildfires anywhere in the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles:

A) Minimum relative humidities equal to or less than 20 percent
B) 20 foot wind speeds of 15 mph or higher
NFDRS adjective fire danger rating of "High" or higher