National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Scattered Severe Thunderstorms Across the Northern Plains; Fire Weather Concerns in the Western U.S.

Scattered severe thunderstorms are forecast across central and eastern North Dakota, as well as far northwest Minnesota Saturday (Slight Risk level 2 of 5). Damaging wind gusts are the primary threat. Elevated to critical fire weather conditions will persist through the weekend across the Western U.S. Isolated dry thunderstorms could lead to new fire starts over portions of the northern Rockies. Read More >

EMWIN Product Broadcast Format.

  • GOES-R: contiguous file on the HRIT/EMWIN broadcast.
  • GOES N: Quick Block Transfer (QBT) protocol packet transmission, where every file is broken into multiple 1024-byte segment

File Rebroadcast. EMWIN Priority 1 and 2 products will be broadcast twice approximately 5 seconds apart, to help assure product reception in marginal or noisy radio frequency environments.

File Names. The EMWIN file naming convention has been revised to follow the WMO format identified in WMO Pub 386.

  • EMWIN GOES-N broadcast example:

  • HRIT/EMWIN GOES-R broadcast examples:




File Naming Convention



  1. A – “pflag” on how to decode the product identifier
    • A – Standard WMO product heading follows
    • Z – Originating Center’s local product identifier (used for Images)
  2. FXUS65KABQ121804AAB – WMO Product Identifier
    • T1T2A1A2ii
    • CCCC
    • YYGGgg
    • [BBB]
  3.   KWIN – EMWIN system transmission
  4. 20160112180901 – file creation date/time stamp (yyyyMMddhhmmss)
  5. 008996 – EMWIN sequence number to ensure uniqueness.
    Increment by 1 for each new file. Range: 000000 through 999999; then back to 000000
  6. 2 – Priority, with range 1-4 (highest to lowest)
  7. AFDABQNM.TXT – old GOES-N file name

See EMWIN (DRAFT) GOES-R Filename Convention: EMWIN_GOES-R_filename_convention