National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Schuyler County tornadoes since 1950


24 TORNADOES were reported in Schuyler County, Illinois between 01/01/1950 and 12/31/2023.

Click on Location or County to display Details.

Property Damage
Crop Damage
Location or County Date Time Mag Dth Inj PrD CrD
SCHUYLER 12/03/1955 04:00 PM F1 0 0 35K 0
Rushville 03/14/1957 02:00 PM F2 0 0 25K 0
3 SCHUYLER 09/26/1959 03:15 PM F1 0 0 N/A N/A
SCHUYLER 12/04/1973 09:20 AM F1 0 0 0K 0
Littleton 06/21/1974 08:17 PM F1 0 0 0K 0
Brooklyn 06/08/1981 06:56 PM F0 0 0 0K 0
Littleton 06/21/1981 07:56 PM F3 1 12 2.5M 0
Rushville 05/30/1982 01:45 PM F0 0 0 0K 0
Camden 03/27/1985 11:20 PM F1 0 0 3K 0
10 Brooklyn 03/08/1990 03:20 PM F2 0 0 250K 0
11 Rushville 11/27/1990 01:15 PM F2 0 0 250K 0
12 Littleton 06/24/1993 07:28 PM F0 0 0 0 0
13 Littleton 05/12/1998 05:28 PM F0 0 0 0 0
14 Camden 06/14/1998 04:23 PM F0 0 0 0 0
15 Pleasant View 06/14/1998 04:56 PM F0 0 0 0 0
16 Rushville 06/01/1999 04:05 PM F0 0 0 60K 0
17 Rushville 05/10/2003 07:10 PM F0 0 0 0 0
18 Rushville 05/10/2003 07:14 PM F2 0 0 0 0
19 Huntsville 05/02/2004 02:55 PM F0 0 0 0 0
20 Littleton 06/10/2011 06:05 PM EF0 0 0 0 0
21 Brooklyn 12/01/2018 03:00 PM EF1 0 0 12K 0
22 Bluff City 12/01/2018 03:51 PM EF1 0 0 260K 0
23 Rushville 05/22/2019 08:56 PM EF0 0 0 0 0
24 Littleton 07/10/2021 01:00 PM EF0 0 0 0 0
TOTALS: 1 12 3.36M 0




  1. 12/3/1955:  Touched down near the La Moine River 6 miles northeast of Mt. Sterling, and tracked across far southern Schuyler County to near Beardstown.
  2. 3/14/1957:  Two mile long tornado path affecting Rushville.  A veterinary office was destroyed, with only some outside walls left standing.
  3. 9/26/1959:  Touched down in Brown County near Buckhorn, and moved northeast across the Mt. Sterling area to near Rushville.
  4. 12/4/1973:  This late-season tornado touched down between Rushville and Browning.
  5. 6/21/1974:  Touched down about 3-4 miles west-northwest of Littleton.
  6. 6/8/1981:  Touched down near Brooklyn.
  7. 6/21/1981:  This tornado initially touched down near the Mississippi River near Warsaw (south of Keokuk, IA), and intermittently touched down as it moved across southern Hancock County.  In Schuyler County, it took a 9 mile path, affecting Littleton and Ray.  Half of Littleton was damaged or destroyed by this F3 tornado, with 1 person killed.  Sixteen farms between Littleton and Ray suffered damage or destruction to buildings.  Property damage in the county was estimated at $2.5 million.
  8. 5/30/1982:  Touched down in Rushville.
  9. 3/27/1985:  This tornado was on the ground for 3 miles, passing southwest through southeast of Camden.
  10. 3/8/1990:  This tornado first touched down about 2 miles south of Augusta.  It took an intermittent path across Schuyler County, passing south of Littleton, before affecting Astoria in southwest Fulton County.  Most of the time on the ground in Schuyler County was in rural areas around Brooklyn.
  11. 11/27/1990:  This tornado moved northeast from the southern edge of Rushville, and was on the ground for about 5 miles.  Three homes were severely damaged or destroyed, with 4 others damaged as well.
  12. 6/24/1993:  Brief touchdown reported 2 miles west of Littleton, causing no damage.
  13. 5/12/1998:  Brief touchdown 2 miles west of Littleton.
  14. 6/14/1998:  Brief touchdown just outside of Camden.
  15. 6/14/1998:  Brief touchdown 2 miles southeast of Pleasant View.
  16. 6/1/1999:  This tornado touched down about 5.5 miles northwest of Rushville, and took a 5 mile path to the northeast.  It caused about $60,000 worth of damage.
  17. 5/10/2003:  This tornado moved northeast out of Brown County, and was only on the ground briefly in Schuyler County before lifting.
  18. 5/10/2003:  On the ground for 6 miles west and northwest of Rushville.  It destroyed a house, and destroyed or damaged several outbuildings.
  19. 5/2/2004:  Brief touchdown in a field northwest of Huntsville.
  20. 6/10/2011:  Brief touchdown in a field southwest of Littleton.
  21. 12/1/2018: This was part of a historic late-season tornado outbreak in central Illinois. This tornado touched down about 0.4 miles southwest of Brooklyn and dissipated 1.1 miles north of town. Only minor damage was reported.
  22. 12/1/2018:  Touched down in an open field 1.9 miles southwest of Bluff City, and knocked a home off its foundation in Bluff City before moving into Fulton County. 
  23. 5/22/2019: Touched down in an open field 2.7 miles east of Rushville, and was on the ground for 2 miles. 
  24. 7/10/2021:  Touched down 2.7 miles north-northeast of Littleton, damaging an old barn and knocking down a few trees.