National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

There is a High Risk of Excessive Rainfall Over Portions of the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys

Confidence in a very impactful, life-threatening and significant heavy rainfall and flash flood event is high beginning late tonight through Saturday night across portions of the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys. In addition, the threat for strong to severe thunderstorms over the lower Mississippi Valley during Saturday. Scattered to numerous damaging wind gusts and a few tornadoes are expected. Read More >

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Radar Legend Lightning Legend Flight Category:
Weather Shading:
Convective   Freezing
Winter   Smoke/Ash
Liquid   Fog/Haze


The above loop uses radar and visible/IR satellite data obtained from Aviation Weather Center (AWC), lightning (GLM) data from NOAA nowCOAST, and observations (for flight category and weather) from MesoWest. The radar, lightning, visible satellite, IR satellite, and flight categories/weather can be toggled on/off. When both the flight category and weather are displayed, the flight category icon will be on the inside and the partially-transparent weather color on the outside. Clicking on the map will start/stop the loop. Left-clicking on the "Speed" area will slow the loop and right-clicking will accelerate the loop, ranging from 0.05 to 5 second interval. Additional URL parameters include lt (center latitude), ln (center longitude), zm (zoom level, 0-12), nolabel (removes flight category icon ID labels), wide (thicken US state boundaries), and start (UTC start date/time, YYYYMMDDhhmm format, AWC data goes back up to 2 days, GLM data up to 5 hours). The URL should auto-update with the current settings, allowing for an easy bookmark/favorite.