National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

                     Hattiesburg (HBG) Climate Records                                                       Local Climate Records Index

Jan · Feb · Mar · Apr · May · Jun · Jul · Aug · Sep · Oct · Nov · Dec
Daily Records For Yesterday (09/19/2024)
High Temperatures
Warmest Rank Coolest
102°F (1925) 1 68°F (1901)
98°F (2005) 2 71°F (1943)
98°F (1972) 3 74°F (1981)
98°F (1920) 4 75°F (2020)
97°F (2015) 5 75°F (1932)
Low Temperatures
Warmest Rank Coolest
74°F (1988) 1 41°F (1903)
74°F (1945) 2 45°F (1981)
73°F (2021) 3 49°F (1961)
73°F (1970) 4 49°F (1901)
72°F (2016) 5 53°F (2000)
Rank Amount
1 2.84" (1957)
2 2.49" (1943)
3 1.73" (1952)
4 1.72" (1991)
5 1.19" (2017)

Observed Climate Values for September 19
High Temperature: 94°F (+7°F) | Low Temperature: 71°F (+6°F) | Precipitation: 0.00" (-0.12")
  • Values in parentheses are departures from normal.
  • Red values are above normal temperatures and blue values are below normal temperatures.
  • Green values are above normal precipitation and brown values are below normal precipitation.
Daily Records For Today (09/20/2024)
High Temperatures
Warmest Rank Coolest
98°F (2015) 1 67°F (1918)
98°F (1972) 2 70°F (2020)
98°F (1955) 3 72°F (1901)
98°F (1925) 4 73°F (1981)
97°F (2005) 5 74°F (1991)
Low Temperatures
Warmest Rank Coolest
80°F (1905) 1 43°F (1916)
78°F (1954) 2 44°F (1938)
74°F (1998) 3 45°F (1981)
74°F (1909) 4 47°F (1903)
73°F (2021) 5 50°F (1928)
Rank Amount
1 4.87" (1947)
2 3.14" (1930)
3 1.58" (1949)
4 0.90" (1998)
5 0.84" (1943)

Normals for September 20
High Temperature: 87°F | Low Temperature: 65°F | Average Temperature: 76°F | Precipitation: 0.13"
Month to Date: September Average Temperature 79.9°F | September Precipitation 0.82"
Season to Date: Fall Average Temperature 79.9°F | Fall Precipitation 0.82"
Period of Record: 1/1/1893 to Present | Includes data through: 09/19/2024