Site | Latest Observation | Highest Forecast Value | More Data | |
For the location TLSO2 Arkansas River at Tulsa, OK |
The latest stage is 5.26 @2024-11-09 08:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location SPCO2 Polecat Creek nr Sapulpa, OK |
The latest stage is **Missing Value** -- |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location JNKO2 Polecat Creek nr Jenks, OK |
The latest stage is 7.08 @2024-11-09 09:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location HSKO2 Arkansas River nr Haskell, OK |
The latest stage is 8.44 @2024-11-09 09:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location BVLO2 Caney River at Bartlesville, OK |
The latest stage is 5.47 @2024-11-09 09:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location RAMO2 Caney River nr Ramona, OK |
The latest stage is 15.75 @2024-11-09 09:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location CVLO2 Caney River nr Collinsville, OK |
The latest stage is 19.09 @2024-11-09 08:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location CLRO2 Verdigris River nr Claremore, OK |
The latest stage is 11.92 @2024-11-09 08:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location AVTO2 Bird Creek at Avant, OK |
The latest stage is 7.48 @2024-11-09 08:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location SPEO2 Bird Creek nr Sperry, OK |
The latest stage is 9.32 @2024-11-09 09:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location OWSO2 Bird Creek nr Owasso, OK |
The latest stage is 8.51 @2024-11-09 08:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location INOO2 Verdigris River nr Inola, OK |
The latest stage is **Missing Value** -- |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location MKGO2 Arkansas River nr Muskogee, OK |
The latest stage is 20.79 @2024-11-09 09:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location WTTO2 Illinois River nr Watts, OK |
The latest stage is 3.97 @2024-11-09 08:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location KNSO2 Flint Creek nr Kansas, OK |
The latest stage is 6.24 @2024-11-09 08:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location CWYO2 Illinois River Chewey, OK |
The latest stage is 3.71 @2024-11-09 08:15 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location TALO2 Illinois River nr Tahlequah, OK |
The latest stage is 6.36 @2024-11-09 08:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location ELDO2 Baron Fork at Eldon, OK |
The latest stage is 7.29 @2024-11-09 08:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |