National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

More Observations: Radar   Satellite   Marine   Rainfall & Streams   Upper Air   Historical

Individual Observations
Observation Collectives & Maps

Pressure Gradients:
Current Pressure Gradients
Model Pressure Gradients (WRF)
Model Pressure Gradients (GFS)


Observation Maps:
Interactive Map
Enhanced Data Display (Experimental)
Surface Analysis Chart

Observation Tables:
Fire Weather Snooper
Southern CA Weather Roundup (RWR)
Extreme Southern CA Weather Roundup (RWRSGX)
Northern CA Weather Roundup (RWR)

Local Storm Reports:
(Issued Only When Signifigant Weather Occurs)
Peak Wind Summary
Rainfall Summary
Southern and Central CA (LOX)
Extreme Southern CA (SGX)
North-Central CA (MTR)
Central CA (HNX)