Paducah, KY
Weather Forecast Office
High and Low Temperature Percentiles for Paducah, KY (1938-2014)
Min = Lowest temperature recorded during that time period
10th Percentile = 10% chance that temperatures will fall below this threshold for that time period. Anything below the 10th percentile is considered unseasonably cool. Another way to view it is that 90% of the time temperatures will be warmer than the specified temperature.
Median = Basically the average temperature; there is an equal probability of temperatures falling above or below this value.
90th Percentile = 10% chance that temperatures will fall above this threshold for that time period. Anything above the 90th percentile is considered unseasonably warm. Another way to view it is that 90% of the time temperatures will be cooler than the specified temperature.
Max = Highest temperature recorded during that time period
Temperatures between the 25th and 75th percentile are most common for that time period.
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Paducah, KY
8250 Kentucky Highway 3520
West Paducah, KY 42086-9762
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