National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Tulsa, Oklahoma
All-Time Weather Extremes

Record High 115°F (46°C) August 10, 1936
Record Low -16°F (-27°C) January 22, 1930
Lowest High 2°F (-17°C) January 11, 1918
Highest Low 88°F (31°C) July 31, 2012,  July 30, 2012
Highest Mean 100°F (38°C) July 31, 2012,  August 2, 2011
Lowest Mean -1°F (-18°C) January 12, 1912, January 11, 1918, and February 15, 2021
Max in 24 hrs 9.27" (235.46 mm) May 26-27,1984
Max in one month 18.18" (461.77 mm) September 1971
Least in one month 0.0" (0.0 mm) January 1986
February 1904 and 1895
August 1896
September 1888 and 1898
December 1889 and 1900
Max in one year 69.88" (1774.95 mm) 1973
Least in one year 23.24" (590.30 mm) 1956
Max in 24 hours 14.0" (35.60 cm) January 31 - February 1, 2011
Max in one storm 14.0" (35.60 cm) January 31 - February 1, 2011
Max in one month 22.5" (55.15 cm) February 2011
Max in one season 26.1" (66.29 cm) 2010-2011
Max depth 14.0" (35.60 cm) February 2, 2011
Earliest snow Trace October 7, 2000
Earliest measurable snow 0.3" (0.76 cm) October 30, 1993
Latest snow Trace May 2, 2013
Latest measurable snow 1.7" (4.32 cm) April 12, 1957
Temperature: January 1905 - Present  
Precipitation: January 1888 - Present  
Snowfall: January 1900 - Present  
Note: These records were compiled using data provided by the National Centers for Environmental Information in Asheville, NC, and the local climatological data base maintained by the National Weather Service in Tulsa, OK.


Updated: January 16, 2025