National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
News Headlines

...All-Time Coldest Month Imminent at Bangor...

This February will end up as the coldest month ever observed at Bangor. Through February 27th the average temperature at Bangor of 6.1 degrees was 14.5 degrees below normal. Based on our forecast temperatures through the end of the month, we project that the average temperature for the month will be 6.1 degrees. This would break the all-time record for not only the coldest February, but also the coldest month ever observed at Bangor by about 2 degrees.

Here are the top 5 coldest months on record at Bangor with their average monthly temperatures:

1. January 1994 8.4F
2. January 1971 8.7F
3. January 1982 9.8F
4. January 2004 10.0F
5. January 2009 10.1F

Prior to this February, the coldest February on record was in 1993 with an average monthly temperature of 11.3F, so Bangor will shatter its coldest February on record by about 5 degrees. Records in Bangor began in 1926.





...On Track for Coldest February on Record at Caribou...

At Caribou, the average temperature so far this month of 2.6 degrees is 11.3 degrees below normal. Based on our forecast temperatures through the end of the month, we project that the average temperature for the month will be near 2.7 degrees. This would make it the coldest February on record at Caribou. Prior to this year the coldest February was in 1993 with an average temperature of 4.1 degrees. It would end up as the 4th coldest month of all-time.

Here are the top 5 coldest months on record at Caribou:

1. January 1994 -0.7F
2. January 1957 1.3F
3. January 2009 2.5F
4. December 1989 3.5F
5. February 1993 4.1F

Records in caribou began in 1939.