National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

2007 Weather Year in Review

Statistics Summary


Central Alabama refers to the Birmingham National Weather Service's County Warning Area. This CWA includes the following 39 counties; Marion, Lamar, Fayette, Winston, Walker, Blount, Etowah, Calhoun, Cherokee, Cleburne, Pickens, Tuscaloosa, Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair, Talladega, Clay, Randolph, Sumter, Greene, Hale, Perry, Bibb, Chilton, Coosa, Tallapoosa, Chambers, Marengo, Dallas, Autauga, Lowndes, Elmore, Montgomery, Macon, Bullock, Lee, Russell, Pike and Barbour.


Heat Wave Numbers

...2007 Heat Wave Boiled Central Alabama...

The strong upper level ridge that produced record heat across the Western United States during July, redeveloped eastward and produced another round of record heat across the Southeastern United States. This oppressive heat was greatest during the weeks of August 12th and August 19th when Heat Advisories were in effect for the entire area. But due to the prolonged heat, many heat illnesses were not felt until the last week of August and into September.

Below are the new records established during the 2007 Heat Wave...

Location Date New Record Old Record
Birmingham August 9th 103 102 in 1980
10 Days August 10th 102 100 in 1956
  August 11th 102 99 in 1999
  August 12th 102 101 in 1896
  August 13th 103 102 in 1999
  August 14th 104 101 in 1995
  August 15th 105 101 in 1995
  August 16th 103 Tie 103 in 1995
  August 22nd 104 100 in 1983
  August 23rd 105 101 in 1924
***The 105 degree reading on the 15th and the 23rd established a new all time high for the month of August.


Location Date New Record Old Record
Tuscaloosa August 4th 100 Tie 100 in 2006
14 Days August 7th 100 Tie 100 in 1956
  August 8th 102 Tie 102 in 1954
  August 9th 103 101 in 2006
  August 10th 107 102 in 1956
  August 11th 105 102 in 1954
  August 12th 105 104 in 1954
  August 13th 105 103 in 1954
  August 14th 106 103 in 1954
  August 15th 106 103 in 1954
  August 16th 103 Tie 103 in 2000
  August 22nd 103 98 in 1990
  August 23rd 103 100 in 1987
  August 24th 100 Tie 100 in 1983
***The 107 degree reading on the 10th established a new all time high for the month of August. This 107 degree reading on the 10th also tied the all time high for any month.
Location Date New Record Old Record
Pinson August 2nd 98 97 in 1951
18 Days August 3rd 99 Tie 99 in 1952
  August 4th 100 Tie 100 in 1954
  August 7th 101 100 in 1980
  August 8th 103 102 in 2006
  August 9th 105 100 in 1980
  August 10th 102 100 in 2000
  August 11th 105 100 in 1999
  August 12th 103 101 in 1999
  August 13th 105 102 in 1999
  August 14th 104 99 in 1954
  August 15th 107 100 in 2000
  August 16th 104 Tie 104 in 2000
  August 18th 105 104 in 2000
  August 20th 100 Tie 100 in 1983
  August 21st 102 101 in 1983
  August 22nd 107 100 in 1983
  August 23rd 106 99 in 1983
***The 107 degree reading on the 15th and the 22nd tied the all time high for the month of August.


Location Date New Record Old Record
Montgomery August 6th 100 99 in 1963
12 Days August 7th 101 100 in 2006
  August 8th 103 102 in 2006
  August 9th 104 Tie 104 in 1954
  August 10th 106 99 in 2000
  August 11th 106 101 in 1954
  August 12th 106 102 in 1954
  August 13th 104 103 in 1874
  August 14th 106 103 in 1954
  August 15th 105 102 in 1995
  August 16th 102 Tie 102 in 1990
  August 22nd 104 101 in 1983
***The 106 degree reading on several days in August established a new all time high for the month of August.
Location Date New Record Old Record
Anniston August 8th 103 101 in 1980
11 Days August 9th 103 102 in 1980
  August 10th 102 98 in 2006
  August 11th 102 101 in 1956
  August 12th 100 99 in 1957
  August 13th 102 100 in 1995
  August 14th 104 99 in 1976
  August 15th 104 100 in 1995
  August 16th 104 102 in 1995
  August 22nd 104 103 in 1983
  August 23th 103 101 in 1983


The Alabama Department of Public Health
August - September 2007 Heat Statistics Statewide
Heat Related Illnesses Total 707
Heat Related Illnesses Admitted to Hospital 164
Heat Related Illnesses Treated but not Admitted 528
Males Affected 544
Females Affected 163
Age Group Most Affected 25-44
Heat Related Fatalities 15
Fatalities by County - Henry (3), Morgan (2), Greene (2), Chilton (1), Autauga (1), Elmore(1), Montgomery (1), Coffee (1), Chambers (1) Tuscaloosa (1) & Lowndes (1).


Below are the records for the number of days at or above 100 degrees in any month at selected locations.
August 2007 established or tied the record at all locations;


Location # of Days Historical Rank Previous Record
Birmingham 14 1st 12 - September 1925
Montgomery 15 1st 14 - August 1954
Tuscaloosa 15 Tied 1st 15 - August 1954
Anniston 14 1st 10 - July 1952
Pinson 17 1st 11 - July 1952


Here are the records for consecutive days with high temperatures greater than or equal to 100 degrees for selected locations August 2007 established or tied the record at all locations;


Location # of Days Historical Rank Previous Record
Birmingham 10 1st 8 - July 1980
Montgomery 12 1st 7 - August 1980
Tuscaloosa 11 1st 8 - August 1954
Anniston 10 1st 8 - July 1952
Pinson 12 1st 11 - July 1952


Here are the records for the number of days that measured 100 degrees or more for the entire year for selected locations;


Location # of Days Historical Rank Record
Birmingham 14 Tied 2nd 15 - 1925
Montgomery 20 2nd 26 - 1954
Tuscaloosa 17 Tied 4th 33 - 1954
Anniston 14 2nd 17 - 1954
Pinson 18 Tied 1st 18 - 1952


Severe Weather Stats

Preliminary severe weather numbers for Central Alabama in 2007:

Tornadoes in 2007
EF0 7
EF1 16
EF2 3
EF3 0
EF4 1
EF5 0
Total # of Tornadoes 27
Average # of Tornadoes (1961-2007) 19


Days with Severe Weather in 2007
Days with Tornadoes 9
Days with Wind Damage or Wind Speeds 58 mph or greater 42
Days with Hail 0.75 inches in diameter or larger 20
Days with Flash Floods 3


Average Severe Weather Days Expected in a Year (1998-2007)
Days with Tornadoes 7
Days with Wind Damage or Wind Speeds 58 mph or greater 40
Days with Hail 0.75 inches in diameter or larger 29
Days with Flash Floods 12


Previous Years Days with Severe Weather
  2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998
Tornado 9 9 5 8 6 7 8 3 5
Damaging Wind 43 36 34 46 50 43 38 36 33
Hail 35 32 26 29 33 23 26 36 33
Flash Flood 11 20 14 22 11 9 7 12 6



Winter Weather

Winter Precipitation January 31st - February 1st

Birmingham Cold Weather Facts...Here.
Montgomery Cold Weather Facts...Here.


Fire Weather

Central Alabama Red Flag Warnings Issued 740
Central Alabama Red Flag Conditions Measured 602

Red Flag conditions are a combination of High Fire Danger and critical weather conditions. High Fire Danger conditions are slowly evolving situations with little rainfall. Critical weather elements include temperatures, winds and humidity.


2007 State of Alabama Wildfires 3368
Acres Burned by Wildfires 70000

The Alabama Forestry Commission put much of Alabama in either a Fire Alert or a Drought Emergency for long periods at a time.



Here are some selected cities data for Central Alabama. All data are considered preliminary.


Weather Elements Birmingham Montgomery Anniston Tuscaloosa Calera Troy
Hottest Day 105 Aug 15th & 23rd 106 Several 104 Several 107 Aug 10th 105 Aug 14th & 15th 106 Aug 10th
Coldest Day 18 Jan 29th 21 Jan 29th & Feb 17th 19 Several 18 Jan 29th 19 Jan 29th 19 Feb 17th
Wettest Day 1.98" Apr 26th & Aug 25th 1.97" Sep 23rd 1.56" Nov 26th 1.57" Jul 7th 2.17" Sep 13th 3.35" Apr 14th
Wettest Month 4.88" in August 5.19" in July 3.31" in December 4.14" in July 7.59" in August 6.26" in July


City Mean Temperature for 2007 30 Year Avg Mean Temp Mean Temperature Departure from Normal Total Rainfall for 2007 30 Year Avg Rainfall Total Rainfall Departure from Normal

Records since 1930

65.3 **2nd Warmest...Record 65.5 in 1933 62.4 + 2.9 28.86" **Driest Year on Record...Previous Driest 36.14" in 1931 53.97" -25.11
Montgomery Records since 1948 66.9**Tied for 2nd Warmest...Record 67.0 in 1990 65.1 + 1.8 36.75" **3rd Driest ...Record 26.82"1954 54.76" -18.01
Tuscaloosa Records since 1949 64.9**3rd Warmest...Record 65.5 in 1990 63.6 + 1.3 26.05" **Driest on Record...Previous Driest 33.60" in 1954 57.24" -31.19
Anniston Records since 1963 64.1**Warmest Year...Previous record 64.0 in 1990 62.2 + 1.9 22.39" ** Driest Year on Record...Previous Driest 27.91" in 1986 51.93" -29.54
Troy 65.8 NA NA 42.96" NA NA
Calera 64.8 NA NA 32.36" NA NA


Here are the top 5 yearly records for selected cities:

Birmingham (records Since 1930)
Warmest Coldest Wettest Driest
65.5 in 1933 60.1 in 1983 76.48" in 1961 28.86" in 2007
65.3 in 2007 60.3 in 1976 75.36" in 1932 36.14" in 1931
65.1 in 1938 60.5 in 1966 69.70" in 1979 36.94" in 1943
65.0 in 1931 60.7 in 1968 67.27" in 1998 39.20" in 1993
64.8 in 1998 60.7 in 1969 66.73" in 2001 40.60" in 1960
Montgomery (records Since 1948)
Warmest Coldest Wettest Driest
67.0 in 1990 62.4 in 1976 75.49" in 1989 26.82" in 1954
66.9 in 2007 63.5 in 1983 75.47" in 1983 35.46" in 1968
66.9 in 1998 63.5 in 1969 72.98" in 1975 36.75" in 2007
66.9 in 2004 63.6 in 1996 67.60" in 1991 37.95" in 2000
66.5 in 1982 63.7 in 1968 65.94" in 1982 38.65" in 1951


Other Climatological Records or Facts:

  • Tuscaloosa measured 2.03" of rain in January and this was the fourth lowest total ever recorded in January.
  • The 87 degree reading at Birmingham on March 25th and March 29th was the third highest temperature ever measured in March.
  • The 87 degree reading on March 29th at Tuscaloosa tied for the second highest reading ever measured in March.
  • The 88 degree reading on March 25th at Anniston was tied for the third highest reading ever measure in March.
  • The 89 degree reading on March 29th at Montgomery tied the highest reading ever measured for March.
  • The 88 degree reading on March 25th at Montgomery tied for the fourth warmest reading ever in March.
  • Anniston measured 2.13" of rain in March and this was the second lowest total ever recorded.
  • Tuscaloosa measured 1.16" of rain in March and this was the second lowest total ever recorded.
  • Birmingham measured 1.02" of rain in March and this was the lowest ever recorded.
  • The 30 degree reading on April 8th in Tuscaloosa tied for the third coldest temperature ever measured in April.
  • The 26 degree reading on April 8th in Anniston was the coldest temperature ever measured in April.
  • The 28 degree reading on April 7th in Anniston tied for the third coldest reading ever in April.
  • The 94 degree reading on April 30th in Montgomery was the warmest reading ever measured in April.
  • May rain was measured at 0.22" for Montgomery and this was the driest ever recorded in May.
  • May rain was measured at 0.14" for Anniston and this was the driest ever recorded in May.
  • May rain was measured at 0.06" for Tuscaloosa and this was the driest ever recorded in May.
  • May rain was measured at 1.08" for Birmingham and this was the fourth driest ever recorded in May.
  • Spring rainfall for Anniston was 3.52" and this was the second lowest amount ever recorded.
  • Spring rainfall for Birmingham was 4.72" and this was the lowest Spring total ever recorded.
  • Spring rainfall for Tuscaloosa was 3.45" and this was the lowest Spring total ever recorded.
  • Spring rainfall for Montgomery was 4.82" and this was the lowest Spring total ever recorded.
  • Birmingham measured 11.91" of rain in the first half of the year. This was the lowest total ever recorded.
  • Tuscaloosa measured 9.64" of rain in the first half of the year. This was the lowest total ever recorded.
  • Anniston measured 9.80" of rain in the first half of the year. This was the second lowest total ever recorded.
  • The average maximum temperature in August was 98.4 in Birmingham which was the warmest ever recorded.
  • The average minimum temperature in August was 75.4 in Birmingham which was the warmest ever recorded.
  • The average maximum temperature in August was 99.5 in Tuscaloosa which was the warmest ever recorded.
  • The average minimum temperature in August was 72.5 in Tuscaloosa which was the 4th warmest ever recorded.
  • The average maximum temperature in August was 99.2 in Montgomery which was the warmest ever recorded.
  • The average minimum temperature in August was 74.7 in Montgomery which was the warmest ever recorded.
  • The average maximum temperature in August was 98.2 in Anniston which was the warmest ever recorded.
  • The average minimum temperature in August was 72.3 in Anniston which was the 2nd warmest ever recorded.

This table compares average precipitation from previous years with the current year.
The current year's data has a green background.
The averages are shown just below the current year's temperatures with a yellow background.

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Departure
Anniston 2004 2.13 5.06 2.44 4.00 5.65 5.02 7.00 2.13 6.82 3.19 10.35 3.11 56.90 +4.97
  2005 2.35 4.60 5.76 4.63 3.89 3.55 6.75 2.68 0.71 1.77 4.06 4.30 45.05 -6.88
  2006 5.62 7.49 4.68 2.89 3.91 1.26 2.56 2.96 3.74 3.59 3.81 2.99 45.50 -6.43
  2007 3.24 2.10 2.13 1.25 0.14 0.94 2.59 1.71 0.41 1.69 2.88 3.31 22.39 -29.54
1971-2000 30 yr avg 5.34 4.80 6.28 4.87 4.16 4.14 4.49 3.35 3.32 2.87 4.20 4.11 51.93
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Departure
Birmingham 2004 2.77 5392 3.14 3.24 5.04 7.01 3.29 2.66 10.96 2.61 11.13 3.55 61.32 +7.35
  2005 1.94 4.08 5.85 5.24 5.60 4.91 9.50 1.68 1.73 0.50 3.62 4.62 49.27 -4.70
  2006 5.97 8.70 4.72 7.81 2.53 4.77 5.03 2.69 3.74 4.97 2.60 3.03 56.56 +2.59
  2007 3.00 2.56 1.02 2.62 1.08 1.63 3.43 4.88 3.30 1.71 1.69 1.94 28.86 -25.11
1971-2000 30 yr avg 5.43 4.21 6.10 4.67 4.83 3.78 5.09 3.48 4.05 3.23 4.63 4.47 53.97
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Departure
Montgomery 2004 2.57 5.47 0.88 4.42 3.58 8.46 2.33 3.12 7.05 1.98 6.94 2.79 49.59 -5.17
  2005 2.61 5.45 10.35 6.96 2.87 2.54 6.62 3.47 2.57 1.42 2.32 2.49 49.67 -5.09
  2006 4.51 5.15 3.41 2.53 2.80 4.39 1.93 4.07 3.46 4.02 4.97 3.73 44.97 -9.79
  2007 4.68 3.30 2.07 2.53 0.22 2.02 5.19 4.22 4.52 3.35 1.91 2.74 36.75 -18.01
1971-2000 30 yr avg 5.04 5.45 6.39 4.38 4.14 4.13 5.31 3.63 4.22 2.58 4.53 4.97 54.76
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Departure
Tuscaloosa 2004 3.02 8.31 2.48 5.25 2.83 4.31 3.00 3.99 2.20 2.31 11.13 1.89 50.72 -6.52
  2005 2.95 4.34 3.57 6.49 5.87 7.14 7.13 3.49 2.26 0.16 2.53 3.08 49.01 -8.23
  2006 5.34 5.35 4.15 3.46 3.65 1.14 3.17 0.41 6.04 7.21 4.83 4.58 49.33 -7.91
  2007 2.03 3.00 1.16 2.23 0.06 1.16 4.14 2.31 2.72 2.35 2.34 2.55 26.05 -31.19
1971-2000 30 yr avg 5.72 5.07 6.37 5.10 4.55 4.20 5.71 3.70 3.54 3.47 4.84 4.97 57.24
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Departure
Calera 2004 2.51 5.65 1.98 4.54 5.09 4.98 3.11 3.71 3.49 2.52 11.48 3.60 52.66 NA
  2005 2.65 7.23 7.61 5.48 3.95 3.86 9.94 5.83 1.70 0.25 3.49 4.92 56.91 NA
  2006 5.45 5.28 4.91 4.45 4.90 1.72 3.32 3.08 6.45 4.73 3.80 4.21 52.30 NA
  2007 3.38 2.84 0.15 1.51 1.13 2.79 2.98 7.59 3.60 2.09 1.72 2.58 32.36 NA
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Departure
Troy 2004 2.67 5.82 0.44 2.47 3.65 8.66 5.21 6.96 7.57 2.66 3.43 2.32 51.86 NA
  2005 1.92 3.15 4.96 8.07 1.36 4.34 8.82 9.44 2.13 1.32 3.40 2.54 51.45 NA
  2006 4.75 3.65 2.37 2.95 5.09 2.50 1.37 3.78 3.28 2.88 3.23 1.13 36.98 NA
  2007 3.36 2.15 1.56 6.09 0.34 3.32 6.26 4.01 1.09 5.24 3.97 5.57 42.96 NA

This table compares average temperatures from previous years with the current year.
The current year's data has a green background.
The averages are shown just below the current year's temperatures with a yellow background.

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Yearly Departure
Anniston 2004 43.3 44.3 58.4 61.3 72.7 76.7 79.3 76.8 73.4 68.1 57.2 44.6 63.0 +1.0
  2005 48.0 50.4 52.5 61.1 66.9 77.1 80.7 81.1 77.4 63.8 55.7 42.1 63.1 +1.1
  2006 50.3 44.7 55.3 66.8 71.6 76.9 81.6 82.7 72.0 61.0 52.6 48.8 63.7 +1.7
  2007 45.6 43.8 59.4 59.0 71.6 79.3 79.0 85.2 76.2 67.0 52.3 50.6 64.1 +1.9
1971-2000 30 yr avg 44.7 47.4 50.4 60.8 69.4 76.6 80.0 79.5 72.8 62.8 53.5 46.1 62.2
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Yearly Departure
Birmingham 2004 43.3 45.1 59.1 62.1 73.7 76.4 79.5 76.5 77.2 69.0 57.6 44.9 63.5 +1.1
  2005 48.2 50.4 53.4 61.4 67.5 76.8 80.5 81.3 77.7 63.6 56.3 42.7 63.3 +0.9
  2006 50.7 44.9 56.1 67.8 71.1 79.2 83.4 83.7 73.3 62.5 53.8 49.9 64.7 +2.3
  2007 45.9 44.6 61.4 60.5 73.0 81.0 80.2 86.9 77.3 67.8 53.9 51.6 65.3 +2.9
1971-2000 30 yr avg 42.8 47.1 54.7 61.5 69.6 76.7 80.4 79.8 74.0 63.0 53.3 45.8 62.4
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Yearly Departure
Montgomery 2004 45.9 47.7


64.1 75.8 80.5 84.0 81.1 78.0 72.9 61.7 49.2 66.9 +1.8
  2005 51.3 53.7 55.6 62.7 70.1 78.8 81.9 81.6 79.6 65.1 57.7 46.0 65.3 +0.2
  2006 53.1 48.4 58.4 68.6 72.1 79.7 83.3 84.0 75.1 64.4 54.8 51.2 66.1 +1.0
  2007 48.8 48.9 62.9 63.2 72.2 82.0 81.8 87.0 78.3 68.9 55.6 53.1 66.9 +1.8
1971-2000 30 yr avg 46.8 50.6 57.8 64.1 72.1 78.8 81.8 81.2 76.5 65.7 56.4 49.3 65.1
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Yearly Departure
Tuscaloosa 2004 45.9 47.7 61.7 64.1 75.8 80.5 84.0 81.1 78.0 72.9 61.7 49.2 66.9 +3.3
  2005 51.6 53.7 55.4 62.7 70.1 78.8 81.9 81.6 79.6 65.1 57.7 46.0 65.3 +1.7
  2006 53.4 48.4 58.4 68.6 72.1 79.7 83.3 84.0 75.1 64.4 54.8 51.2 66.1 +2.5
  2007 46.1 45.2 60.5 60.2 71.8 80.5 79.9 86.0 76.8 66.9 53.2 51.3 64.9 +1.3
1971-2000 30 yr avg 45.2 49.8 57.5 63.9 71.9 78.6 82.0 81.3 76.2 65.1 55.3 46.9 63.6
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Yearly Departure
Calera 2004 44.4 46.1 59.6 62.8 73.6 77.4 79.3 76.6 74.4 68.7 57.6 45.1 63.8 NA
  2005 48.3 50.9 53.5 61.4 68.4 77.0 80.1 80.7 78.1 64.1 56.4 43.8 63.6 NA
  2006 51.4 45.4 56.8 67.6 70.7 78.8 82.5 82.7 73.3 61.7 53.5 50.0 64.5 NA
  2007 46.3 45.4 61.0 60.5 72.7 79.8 79.3 85.4 76.3 66.7 53.3 50.9 64.8 NA
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Yearly Departure
Troy 2004 45.9 47.2 59.8 61.5 72.9 77.6 80.1 77.7 74.2 69.6 59.1 46.7 64.4 -0.2
  2005 49.7 53.2 55.1 61.2 70.3 78.2 81.3 80.8 78.2 64.4 57.3 46.2 64.7 +0.1
  2006 53.2 48.7 58.2 68.2 71.5 78.9 82.5 83.2 74.0 63.8 54.9 52.5 65.8 +1.2
  2007 49.7 48.2 61.3 61.5 71.2 79.5 81.0 84.9 77.1 67.7 54.6 52.7 65.8 NA

The following table shows the number of days the high or low temperature was equal or above/below a given temperature.

Location # of days greater than
or equal to 95oF
# of days greater than
or equal to 100 oF
# of days less than
or equal to 32oF
# of days less than
or equal to 20oF
Anniston 35 14 56 3
Birmingham 33 14 40 3
Montgomery 46 20 38 0
Tuscaloosa 49 17 37 1
Calera 34 11 36 1
Troy 35 8 41 1



Selected locations Extremes & Precipitation for 2007.

Location Highest Temp/Date Lowest Temp/Date Precipitation
Alexander City 105 August 11 18 January 29&30 35.11
Ashland* 103 August 11 & 23 15 January 29 32.30
Childersburg 104 August 15 18 January 29 29.53
Clanton 104 August 16 18 January 29 & 30 36.33
Demopolis 104 August 15 19 January 30 35.72
Hamilton 109 August 16 9 January 29 & 30 42.64
Haleyville* 107 August 15 12 January 31 37.69
Heflin 100 August 16 & 17 14 January 29 27.23
Helena 107 August 15 18 January 29 25.28
Lafayette 105 August 10 14 January 29 34.32
Jasper* 105 August 16 15 January 29-31 33.39
Pinson 107 August 15 & 22 15 January 29 27.06
Rockford 103 August 10 & 11 15 January 29 31.14
Selma 104 August 12 & 15 23 January 30 February 17 & 18 24.66
Sylacauga 103 August 10 17 January 29 & 30 29.27
Talladega* 104 August 24 15 January 29 & 30 23.37
Union Springs 101 August 12 18 February 17& 18 48.77
Wetumpka * 106 August 11 & 13 15 February 17 34.41

*Some Missing Data