National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce



Old US 231 EF-1 Tornado (Pike/Montgomery County)
  April 5, 2022


Event Summary

Estimated Maximum Wind:
100 mph
Damage Path Length:
7.62 miles
Maximum Path Width:
550 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:
2 NW Orion
at 1134 AM CDT
Approximate End Point/Time:
3 ESE China Grove
at 1145 AM CDT


NWS Meteorologists surveyed damage in extreme southeast Montgomery County eastward into northern  Pike County County and determined it was the result of an EF-1 tornado.

Minor tree damage was observed on AL 94 and determined to be the starting point of a tornado. Several trees were uprooted along Highway 231 as the tornado continued east. An extensive amount of trees were snapped in the front yard of a home on Old Highway 231 where the greatest degree of tree damage was found, but this home was not able to be accessed due to the amount of trees covering the driveway. Other nearby homes only received minor roof or siding damage. The tornado continued east where it uprooted multiple trees on Lockheed Martin Circle and snapped a few large branches on County Road 7708 and Davis Road as it was dissipating.

The data is PRELIMINARY and may be subject to change.




Radar Image
Reflectivity (left) and velocity (right) of the circulation as the tornado crossed Old US 231.
Images from KMXX at 1136 AM CDT.