National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
News Headlines

NWS Core Partner Email Notification Subscription

NWS Core Partner Definitions:

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - Public safety officials who serve a government agency at the federal, state or local level and are charged with protecting the public from hazards that are influenced by weather.

GOVERNMENT PARTNERS - Federal, state or local government partners who have missions that require close coordination with the NWS.

ELECTRONIC MEDIA - Parties who have a need to actively participate in discussions with the NWS on imminent weather or other hazards, and operate systems that routinely and rapidly relay weather and water watches, advisories, warnings and forecast information.


NWS Caribou will send email notifications to people affiliated with the following organizations:


1. Emergency management

2. Federal/State Government

3. Hospitals/Public Health/Emergency Service

4. Media

5. Utilities/Infrastructure

6. Schools/Universities


If you are interested in receiving these emails, please contact 

Louise Fode

Warning Coordination Meteorologist


Once you have subscribed you will receive email updates for significant weather events for your selected county or the entire NWS Caribou County Warning Area.  Please unsubscribe from this service if you no longer wish to receive emails. This service is separate from the automated iNWS system.  If you have any questions, please email or, or call (207) 492-0180 x 223.