Colorado Springs, CONormals (1991 - 2020) andExtremes (1895 - Present)Disclaimer
Click on a month for Daily normals and Extremes.*Heavy Fog means visibility equal to or less than 1/4 mile. Climate DisclaimerDISCLAIMER The climate summaries are NOT official summaries of the National Weather Service or the Federal Government. They were not prepared by professional climatologists and they MAY CONTAIN SIGNIFICANT ERRORS. The summaries should NOT be used when ACCURATE CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA IS IMPORTANT, such as (but not limited to): agriculture, construction, engineering, design, litigation, and scientific research. The National Weather Service does NOT make any warranties of the accuracy of these summaries. The National Weather Service WILL NOT make any statements concerning the compilation or accuracy of these summaries. If you need accurate climate data, you should contact the National Climatic Data Center or your regional/local climate center. |