National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Sun, May. 5, 2024 at 2:37:57 pm CDT

National Weather Service Pueblo, CONational Weather Service Amarillo, TXNational Weather Service Norman, OK
National Weather Service Albuquerque, NMZoom

National Weather Service Fort Worth/Dallas, TX
National Weather Service El Paso, TXNational Weather Service Midland/OdessaNational Weather Service San Angelo, TX

A Red Flag Warning is in effect from noon to 9 PM CDT Monday across the far southwestern Texas Panhandle and northern South Plains. The combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and dry fuels will result in conditions favorable for the growth and spread of wildfires.
Low clouds will thin out from west to east today ahead of highs in the 70s.
Breezy, southerly winds will bring low clouds back tonight while keeping lows in the upper 50s to lower 60s making for a muggy night for all.
The dryline will surge through the entire forecast area early in the day with clouds clearing out by late morning. This will give way to very warm temperatures and breezy-to-windy conditions with critical fire weather conditions expected across portions of the South Plains.




Local Weather History For May 5th...
2002: A deadly outbreak of tornadoes occurred late this afternoon throughout the extreme southern Panhandle. Over the
course of 4.5 hours, at least nine tornadoes touched down from Castro County east to Childress County. The worst tornado
claimed two lives on the southeast side of Happy when a mobile home was rolled and destroyed. Four injuries also occurred
in mobile homes that were in the same area. In total, this F2 tornado destroyed fifteen homes, caused major damage to
another seventeen, and minor damage to eighteen others. The church on the west side of Happy lost 120 feet of its roof.
Thirty vehicles, including two tractor trailers, were damaged or destroyed. Also, seventy-five utility and telephone poles
were snapped. This tornado crossed I-27 and continued to produce significant damage as it struck a home two miles east of
Happy on Farm-to-Market Road 1075. Before crossing into southern Randall County about three miles east of Happy, the
tornado produced major damage to a final home on Farm-to-Market Road 1075. This single tornado created at least $4M in
property damage. Moments before this tragic tornado touched down, a much larger and potentially more intense tornado was
observed just west of Happy, but this tornado thankfully remained over open land causing damage to just fences and power
poles. In addition to tornadoes, many of the supercells this evening produced equally-destructive downburst winds as high
as 100 mph. In Hall County, the town of Memphis saw wind gusts up to 82 mph create extensive damage to about 50 buildings
including the school library. These winds also overturned four tractor trailers, snapped power poles, and blew down power
lines and trees.