National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Thu, Mar 6, 2025 at 9:26:37 pm CST

Dry, breezy weather and a warmer weather is expected again Friday, along with an elevated threat for grass fires (mainly along and west of I-35) as a dryline progresses through the area. Relative humidity will drop to 15 to 25 percent with west/southwest winds 10 to 20 mph. Occasional gusts will peak around 30 mph.
Storm chances return Friday night and Saturday with a cold front. Lightning and brief heavy rain are the main threats, although there is a low potential for a strong storm or two. Take it slow on wet roads and plan for interruptions to outdoor activities.
Warm and rain-free conditions prevail next week with an elevated fire weather threat for areas west of I-35 Monday through Wednesday.

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