National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Colorado Springs, CO
1895 - Present
Note: The Period of Record for Colorado Springs was changed in 2009 to reflect the 
longest available record of observations in the Colorado Springs area. 
Years prior to November of 1894 could not be verified.


Values outlined in red are monthly extremes.

Date Maximum Minimum Lowest Max Highest Min Precip Snowfall
June 01 94/2002 27/1903 42/1919 57/1955+ 1.69/1914 2.0/1917
June 02 92/2002 30/1919+ 51/1964+ 59/2002 2.51/1994 1.5/1921+
June 03 91/2006 31/1919 42/1950 56/2006+ 2.22/1921 0.1/1951
June 04 92/2010 36/1897 52/1949 68/1933 2.17/1995+ T/2000
June 05 92/2018+ 33/1937 44/1998 63/2010 1.03/1983  
June 06 93/2011 33/1937 56/1921 64/1939 2.51/1977  
June 07 97/2010 33/1915 55/1913 60/2010+ 1.10/1898  
June 08 95/1985 37/2007 46/1979 68/1929 3.03/1942  
June 09 95/2018+ 37/1975 54/1903 63/1981+ 1.44/1975 T/1975
June 10 98/2013 33/1975 48/1975 63/2017 1.60/1948 1.1/1975
June 11 97/2013 33/1975 51/1970 65/2013+ 1.90/1947  
June 12 94/1956+ 32/1947 44/1947 61/2016+ 0.69/1989  
June 13 92/2006+ 36/1969 51/1927 65/1952 2.19/1997  
June 14 94/2018+ 36/1969 47/1969 67/1952 2.48/1965  
June 15 94/1978 35/1901 53/1969 71/1920 3.16/2015  
June 16 93/2017 40/1944 51/1945 78/1920 0.79/1958  
June 17 95/2012 32/1912 54/1969+ 68/1929 2.56/1965 T/2003
June 18 98/2012 32/1912 52/1982 64/2012 0.74/1982  
June 19 97/2016+ 38/1939+ 56/1948 72/1931 1.40/2003  
June 20 97/1968 39/1947 64/1921+ 64/2016+ 2.65/1970  
June 21 95/1981+ 39/1906 51/1947 64/2017+ 0.81/1967  
June 22 101/2016 39/1926 56/1915 64/2015+ 0.21/1975  
June 23 100/2012+ 40/1947 63/1947 65/2002 0.69/1976  
June 24 100/2012+ 43/1993 64/1915 67/2012 1.10/1947  
June 25 98/2012 43/1958 52/1958 68/2012 1.17/1910  
June 26 101/2012 39/1968 59/2000 70/1998 1.31/1935  
June 27 99/2018 38/1985 63/1948 71/1913 2.49/2004  
June 28 100/2018 42/1985 61/1895 64/1905 1.62/1995  
June 29 99/1990 44/1932 54/1995 66/1933 1.96/1954  
June 30 97/2012+ 46/1946 52/1995 68/1901 1.73/1943