National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


2024 was the 2nd warmest and 44th driest on record for New Mexico

New Mexico and Climate Cities at a Glance

** Interactive 2024 StoryMap **

2024: Temperature & Precipitation Data for CONUS, NM, Albuquerque, Clayton, & Roswell
(click the link above for a detailed climate summary of temperature and precipitation for NM and these 3 cities)

(Updated 2/2/25: Departures from normal now use the more recent 30-year base period from 1991 to 2020. (T) is a tie. All data is considered preliminary until final certification at the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). **Data, rankings, and period of record now align with those assigned by NCEI. Albuquerque has 93 years of annual temperature and precipitation data. Roswell has 75 years of annual temperature and 76 years of annual precipitation data. Clayton has 95 years of annual temperature and 108 years of annual precipitation data utilizing the ACIS database with 10 days or less of missing annual data. ACIS and NCEI databases may differ for ThreadX sites.)

New Mexico Statewide Average Temperature & Precipitation Trend Graphics


This year's annual weather and climate review for 2024 is organized into topics which are accessed by the tabs across the top of each page. Annual summary topics include; a video of the year in pictures, a review of the more memorable weather events of 2024, a summary of the drought status and hydrology program, a brief recap of the fire weather season, a list of all the records and extremes for Albuquerque, Clayton and Roswell in 2024, a month-to-month recap of the significant weather events across northern and central NM, and a review of our 2024 severe weather season. All data are considered preliminary until final certification at the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).