National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Weather History Archive

Weather History - June 8th

Local and Regional Events:

June 8, 2004:

Over eight inches of rain fell near Okreek in rural Todd County causing nearly $200,000 in damage to local roads. Lightning destroyed the Okreek Community Center.


U.S.A and Global Events for June 8th:

1951: A tornado was captured on motion pictures for the first time in the USA. Click HERE for more information from a weather history blog. You can view an image of this tornado by clicking the link HERE.


2001: Tropical Storm Allison hits Houston, Texas, for the second time in three days. Louisiana and southern Texas were inundated with rain. Baton Rouge received 18 inches over just a couple of days. Some portions of Texas racked up 36 inches by June 11. Click HERE for more information from the History Channel. Click HERE for more details from the NOAA Satellite and Information Service.

​Click HERE for more This Day in Weather History from the Southeast Regional Climate Center.