National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
News Headlines

.......Northern and Eastern Maine Monthly Climate Narrative.......

August 2014 ended with slightly above normal temperatures and
significantly below average rainfall for the region as a whole.

Average temperatures ranged from near normal over Down East areas
upwards to 2.5 degrees above normal over far northern Maine. At
Caribou, the August 2014 mean of 65.9 finished as 9th warmest,
3.1 degrees behind the warmest August of 68.0 degrees recorded just
last year. For most of the region, many warm days with high
temperatures at and above 80 degrees was the hallmark of the month
rather than any episodes of extreme heat at and above 90 degrees.
Most locations experienced their warmest high temperature between 88
and 90 degrees on the 24th or 25th of the month.

Rainfall was much lighter and more sporadic across the region
compared to last month, similar to this past June. Most locations
Received only 50 to 75 percent of normal, with locally near 100
Percent over some Down East locations such as Bangor. At
Caribou, the August 2014 total of 1.79 inches finished as 12th
driest, well ahead of of the driest August total of 0.56 inches
recorded in 2002. Portions of the region received significant
rainfalls on the 4th...5th...6th...11th...14th and 16th of the
Month, but no widespread heavy rainfall events occurred. In fact,
little rainfall occurred anywhere over the region in the latter
half of the month. All and all, a good month for individuals who
had outdoor warm season recreational activities, but a tough
month for area farmers who needed to use irrigation to keep crops
adequately watered, especially late in the month.



Images courtesy of the Northeast Regional Climate Center







Images courtesy of xmACIS