National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

The lightning images below are updated daily around 8:30–9:30 AM and contain 24-h accumulations of lightning ending at 7 am CDT (6 am CST) each day. These images show NLDN cloud-to-ground flashes only and represents cloud-to-ground lightning flashes, and is based on a surface detection network. Larger printable versions are at the bottom of the map segment.

24-Hour Cumulative
Lightning Strikes
Yesterday 2 Days Ago 3 Days Ago 4 Days Ago 5 Days Ago 6 Days Ago 7 Days Ago 8 Days Ago

Printable: Yesterday, 2 Day Ago, 3 Days Ago, 4 Days Ago, 5 Days Ago, 6 Days Ago, 7 Days Ago, 8 Days Ago