National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Dangerous Cold for Most of the Eastern U.S.; Critical Fire Weather for Southern California

Arctic air encompassing the eastern two-thirds of the United States will persist with a slow return to normal temperatures expected by the end of the week. The below average temperatures will prolong the travel impacts and exacerbate the threat from the cold for those with power outages across the Gulf Coast and Southeast. Critical fire weather conditions persist in southern California. Read More >


NWR service to a county depends on reliable signal reception, which typically extends in about a 40 mile radius from the transmitter, assuming level terrain. Counties without NWR coverage or partial NWR coverage will be so indicated. Some counties or parts thereof, especially in mountainous areas, that are listed as having NWR coverage, may not have reliable reception in some locations due to signal blockages and/or excessive distance from the transmitter.

You may go directly to your corresponding state or territory below and locate your county name and Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) code; NWR transmitter frequency, call sign and power; and coverage remarks (if any.) A description of columns in the state tables is available.


Download a complete listing of same codes for all states and counties here.


Alabama Indiana Nebraska South Carolina District of Columbia
Alaska Iowa Nevada South Dakota Guam
Arizona Kansas New Hampshire Tennessee N. Mariana Islands
Arkansas Kentucky New Jersey Texas Puerto Rico
California Louisiana New Mexico Utah U.S. Virgin Islands
Colorado Maine New York Vermont American Samoa
Connecticut Maryland North Carolina Virginia  
Delaware Massachusetts North Dakota Washington  
Florida Michigan Ohio West Virginia  
Georgia Minnesota Oklahoma Wisconsin  
Hawaii Mississippi Oregon Wyoming  
Idaho Missouri Pennsylvania    
Illinois Montana Rhode Island   MARINE