Heavy rain, flash flooding and severe thunderstorms are expected tonight into early Thursday from southern Louisiana into western Georgia. An Enhanced Risk (level 3 of 5) of severe thunderstorms is in effect. Across the West, an atmospheric river will bring a heavy rainfall and flash flooding threat to central and southern California through Thursday. Heavy snow is forecast in the Sierra Nevada. Read More >
Effective 2023/09/25
The next Joint GRB-HRIT/EMWIN Users Group Meeting will be held on
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 at 14:30 EDT (18:30 UTC).
The agenda and connection details are below.
If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact
the HRIT/EMWIN Program Manager (hrit.manager@noaa.gov).
Agenda (65 minutes):
(10 min) GOES Status (Matt Seybold)
(5 min) CSPP Updates (Graeme Martin)
(5 min) GRB Updates (Toby Hutchinson)
(5 min) HRIT Updates (Ian Avruch)
(5 min) EMWIN Updates (Craig Hodan)
(5 min) HRIT/EMWIN Open-Source Community Updates (Carl Reinemann)
(10 min) SPRES Report and Follow-On (Franz Zichy)
(10 min) GeoXO Status (Daniel Gillies)
(10 min) Open Discussion
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Effective 2022/06/30
Topic: Notification of Upcoming Orbit Location Maneuvers of GOES-17 and GOES-18
Date/Time Issued: June 30, 2022 1931 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: None
Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 5, 2022 at 15:57 UTC for GOES 17 and July 5, 2022 at 16:54 UTC for GOES-18
Date/Time of Expected End: July 16, 2022 at TBD time for GOES-17 and July 20, 2022 at TBD time for GOES-18 Length of Event/Outage: N/A
Details/Specifics of Change:
NOAA will be repositioning GOES-17 and GOES-18 with synchronized burns to maintain a longitude separation of 0.3 degrees for RFI avoidance during drift and while on-station. These are both slow rate location “nudges”, as opposed to nominal drifts which are faster and cause a disruption to data availability. Start burns will be executed July 5th and both will utilize natural drift to stop at their new stations.
GOES-17 nudge start at 137.2W on July 5th at 15:57 UTC
GOES-17 nudge stop at 137.3W on July 16th at TBD time
GOES-18 nudge start at 136.8W on July 5th at 16:54 UTC
GOES-18 nudge stop at 137.0W on July 20th at TBD time
There are no anticipated L-band downlink impacts for GOES-17 GRB, HRIT/EMWIN and DCS users regarding the 0.1 degree westward longitudinal drift. Antennas smaller than 7m should not need to repoint. Antennas larger than 7m should repoint.Users are reminded to peak their antennas after the nudge periods end in order to achieve the best optimal signal.
Contact Information for Further Information: Joseph Fiore at joseph.fiore@noaa.gov
This message was sent to ESPC.Notification@noaa.gov. You have been sent this and other notifications because you have opted in to receive it. If for any reason, you wish to unsubscribe, please contact ESPC Help Desk at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or (301) 817-3880. Please note: it may take up to two business days to process your unsubscribe request.
Administrative: Update #2: GOES-18 Interleaving Test June 14, 2022, Issued: June 8, 2022 1348 UTC
Update#2: This is a reminder that the GOES-18 Interleaving Test will occur on June 14, 2022 from 1600-2000 UTC
Update #1: The date for the GOES-18 interleave test has changed from June 15th to June 14th
Topic: GOES-18 Interleaving Test June 14, 2022
Date/Time Issued: June 8, 2022 1348 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-17 (GOES-West) ABI, GLM, Space Weather
Date/Time of Initial Impact: June 14, 2022 1600 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: June 14, 2022 2000 UTC
Length of Outage: 4 hours
Details/Specifics of Change:
On June 14, 2022 at 1600 UTC, a four hour test of the interleave configuration will be performed on the GOES-17 (GOES-West). This test is a user readiness opportunity to prepare for the operational interleave configurations that will be in place 24 hours per day during the two periods of August 1 - September 6 and October 15 - November 11, 2022.
At the time of the interleave test, GOES-18 will be located in a near-West orbital slot (136.8 degrees West), just 0.4 degrees from GOES-17 (at 137.2 degrees West).
The interleave configuration entails populating the operational GOES-17 GRB (GOES Rebroadcast) service with an “interleave” of GOES-18 ABI data (replacing the GOES-17 ABI data) and GOES-17 GLM and space weather data. See this table for the key to GRB Spacecraft IDs and Metadata: https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Operations/GOES/documents/GRB%20Interleave%20Spacecraft%20ID's%20and%20Metadata.pdf
In order to ensure continuity of GOES-West ABI operations, GRB users are advised to ensure their end-processing will accept a different ABI platform ID (G18 rather than G17) and instrument ID (FM3 rather than FM2). More information on global attributes is available in the Product User’s Guide (PUG) Volume 4 for GRB: https://www.goes-r.gov/users/docs/PUG-GRB-vol4.pdf
Here is the GOES-West data content of each product distribution service during interleave:
GRB: (netCDF file orbital slot will be "GOES West")
- G18 ABI L1b
- G17 GLM L2+
- G17 Space Wx L1b
PDA: ("GOES West" for products below)
- G18 ABI L1b, CMI (no L2+)
- G17 ABI L1b, CMI, L2+
- G17 GLM L1b, L2+
- G17 Space Wx L1b
- Note PDA cal/val subscriptions have additional G18 data access
- G17 ABI L1b, CMI, L2+
- G17 GLM L1b, L2+
- G17 Space Wx L1b
- Note CLASS cal/val subscriptions have additional G18 data access
NODD (formerly BDP):
- G18 ABI Rad, CMI
- G17 ABI Rad, CMI, L2+
- G17 GLM L2+
- G17 Space Wx L1b
- G17 ABI L2+
- G17 GLM L2+
During the June 14th test, GOES-18 ABI data will still be at a “Beta” level of maturity, minimally validated, and may contain significant errors. Nonetheless, GOES-18 ABI data obtained during this test will be advised for operational use, and may be shared without restriction.
During the Aug-Sep and Oct-Nov interleave periods, GOES-18 ABI data will be at “Provisional” level of maturity, fit for operational use and may be shared without restriction.
This test is subject to delay in the event of a Critical Weather Day declaration.
Note regarding GOES-17 ABI during interleave: GOES-17 ABI will be operating continuously until the GOES-West transition from GOES-17 to GOES-18 in January, 2023. Continuous GOES-17 ABI operations will include the June 14th interleave test and the Aug-Sep and Oct-Nov interleave periods when GOES-17 ABI will have multiple focal plane module temperature (FPM) mitigations including the cooling timeline and multiple FPM set points adjustments.
Contact Information for Further Information:
Websites for Applicable Information:
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Effective 2022/05/11
HRIT_Open_Meeting_Notification (New 05/11/2022)
NOAA’s next generation of geostationary satellites, the GeoXO Satellite System, is currently defining requirements with the expectation of finishing in August 2022. NESDIS will host two open meetings to take input from the HRIT/EMWIN user community on the impact of this proposed change. View more information here.
Effective 2022/02/11
Topic: GOES-14/15/16/17 Spring 2022 Solar RFI predicted times are now available
Date/Time Issued: February 11, 2022 2100 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-14/15/16/17 Imager and Sounder Data plus Ancillary Services (GVAR, SAR, LRIT, EMWIN, DCS, GRB, etc.)
Date/Time of Initial Impact: February 22, 2022 1704 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: March 9, 2022 2152 UTC
Length of Outage: See table in details.
Details/Specifics of Change: The potential for solar radio frequency interference (RFI) with a satellite downlink circuit will occur whenever the Sun passes into the beam of the ground station receiving antenna.
We received the following information from our Mission Operations Division concerning the potential for outages of the GOES data stream including GVAR (GOES Variable) Imager and Sounder, SAR (Search and Rescue), High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT), Sensor Data (SD), Telemetry and Command (T&C), Weather Facsimile (WEFAX), Data Collection Platform Report (DCPR), Multi-use data link (MDL), Raw Data Link (RDL), etc.
The Wallops and Fairbanks Command and Data Acquisition Stations (CDAs) and Environmental Satellite Processing Center (ESPC) receiving antennas may experience periods of Solar RFI as predicted below. Solar RFI can cause loss of telemetry lock and command capability, as well as degradation or loss in the GVAR data.
GOES-14 | 1 MAR - 8 MAR | 1920 - 1932Z | WALLOPS | T&C |
1 MAR - 8 MAR | 1920 - 1932Z | SUITLAND | ||
1 MAR - 8 MAR | 1918 - 1929Z | FAIRMONT | ||
GOES-15 | 2 MAR - 9 MAR | 2101 - 2112Z | WALLOPS | GVAR, T&C, SD |
1 MAR - 8 MAR | 2100 - 2111Z | SUITLAND | ||
22 FEB - 2 MAR | 2034 - 2045Z | FAIRBANK | ||
1 MAR - 8 MAR | 2059 - 2110Z | FAIRMONT | ||
GOES-16 | 1 MAR - 8 MAR | 1706 - 1717Z | WALLOPS | RDL, GRB, T&C, HRIT, DCPC, SAR |
1 MAR - 8 MAR | 1705 - 1716Z | SUITLAND | ||
1 MAR - 8 MAR | 1704 - 1715Z | FAIRMONT | ||
GOES-17 | 2 MAR - 9 MAR | 2141 - 2153Z | WALLOPS | RDL, GRB, T&C, HRIT, DCPC, SAR |
2 MAR - 9 MAR | 2141 - 2152Z | SUITLAND | ||
2 MAR - 8 MAR | 2140 - 2152Z | FAIRMONT |
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov at 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information:
See https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/
See http://www.ospo.noaa.gov/
See http://www.noaasis.noaa.gov/ for Direct Services Branch (DSB) information.
Effective 2020/09/28
September 28, 2021 1815 UTC
Topic: GOES-13/14/15/16/17 Fall 2021 Solar RFI predicted times are now available
Date/Time Issued: September 28, 2021 1815 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-14/15/16/17 Imager and Sounder Data plus Ancillary Services (GVAR, SAR, HRIT, GRB, RDL, etc.)
Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 4, 2021 2119 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: October 18, 2021 2101 UTC
Length of Outage: See table in details.
Details/Specifics of Change: The potential for solar radio frequency interference (RFI) with a satellite downlink circuit will occur whenever the Sun passes into the beam of the ground station receiving antenna.
We received the following information from our Mission Operations Division concerning the potential for outages of the GOES data stream including GVAR (GOES Variable) Imager and Sounder, SAR (Search and Rescue), High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT), Sensor Data (SD), Telemetry and Command (T&C), Weather Facsimile (WEFAX), Data Collection Platform Report (DCPR), Multi-use data link (MDL), Raw Data Link (RDL), etc.
The Wallops and Fairbanks Command and Data Acquisition Stations (CDAs) and Environmental Satellite Processing Center (ESPC) receiving antennas may experience periods of Solar RFI as predicted below. Solar RFI can cause loss of telemetry lock and command capability, as well as degradation or loss in the GVAR data.
GOES-14 | 5 OCT - 12 OCT | 1855 - 1906Z | WALLOPS | T&C |
5 OCT - 12 OCT | 1854 - 1905Z | SUITLAND | ||
5 OCT - 12 OCT | 1852 - 1903Z | FAIRMONT | ||
GOES-15 | 4 OCT - 11 OCT | 2034 - 2046Z | WALLOPS | GVAR, PDR, T&C, SD, MDL |
5 OCT - 12 OCT | 2033 - 2045Z | SUITLAND | ||
5 OCT - 12 OCT | 2032 - 2044Z | FAIRMONT | ||
11 OCT - 18 OCT | 2003 - 2015Z | FAIRBANK | ||
GOES-16 | 4 OCT – 11 OCT | 1644 - 1655Z | WALLOPS | RDL, GRB, T&C, HRIT, DCPC, |
4 OCT – 11 OCT | 1643 - 1654Z | SUITLAND | SAR | |
4 OCT – 11 OCT | 1641 - 1653Z | FAIRMONT | ||
GOES-17 | 3 OCT – 10 OCT | 2118 - 2129Z | WALLOPS | RDL, GRB, T&C, HRIT, DCPC, |
3 OCT – 10 OCT | 2117 - 2128Z | SUITLAND | SAR | |
4 OCT – 11 OCT | 2117 - 2128Z | FAIRMONT | ||
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations atESPCOperations@
Web Site(s) for applicable information:
See http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/
See http://www.ospo.noaa.gov/
See http://www.osd.noaa.gov/
See http://www.noaasis.noaa.
Effective 2021/03/25
NOUS41 KWBC 252000 PNSWSH Public Information Statement 21-18 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 400 PM EDT Thu Mar 25 2021 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -Satellite Broadcast Network/NOAAPort Other NWS partners and NWS employees From: Michelle Mainelli Director, Office of Dissemination Subject: Static Radar Image Files Return to EMWIN Services March 24, 2021 The broadcast of static Radar Image files suspended on December 16, 2020, as announced in Service Change Notice 20-117, have resumed over the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-East and West High-Rate Information Transmission (HRIT) / Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) satellite broadcast on virtual channel 21. These files concurrently returned to the enterprise EMWIN File Transfer Protocol (FTP) image archive file server: https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/OPS/ Further information on the Radar products is documented under Title-03 through 12, in the updated EMWIN Image Catalog: https://www.weather.gov/media/emwin/EMWIN_Image_and_Text_Data_Capture_Catalog_v1.3d.pdf For more information, please contact NWS EMWIN Support at: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov National Public Information Statements are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2021/02/26
Re: 20-117 Update
NOUS41 KWBC 241200 AAA PNSWSH Service Change Notice 20-117 Update National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 800 AM EST Wed Feb 24 2021 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -Satellite Broadcast Network/NOAAPort Other NWS partners and NWS employees From: Michelle Mainelli Director, Office of Dissemination Subject: Updated: Static Radar Image Files Temporarily Suspended on EMWIN Services, Effective December 16, 2020 Updated to correct the date for the return of the Static Radar Image Files on the EMWIN services from February 26, 2021, to a date to be determined. On or about December 16, 2020, NWS temporarily suspended 10 static Radar Image files sent over the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-East and West High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT) / Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) satellite broadcast on virtual channel 21. These products are published on the enterprise EMWIN File Transfer Protocol (FTP) archive file server. The products will be suspended pending completion of the NWS migration to the new Ridge 2 radar product generation services. The suspended Radar products are listed/documented under Title-03 through 12, in the EMWIN Image and Text Data Capture Catalog: https://www.weather.gov/media/emwin/EMWIN_Image_and_Text_Data_Ca pture_Catalog_v1.3b_r180817.pdf The static Radar Image files should return to the EMWIN services by a date yet to be determined. A separate NWS Public Information Statement (PNS) will be released when the suspended static Radar files have been reinstated on the EMWIN services. In the interim and effective on or about December 16, 2020, Users may obtain Ridge 2 static radar image files for individual radar sites at the following Ridge 2 services URL: https://radar.weather.gov/ridge/lite/ Send questions on the information in this bulletin to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov Questions on the Ridge 2 radar products may be address to: - product comments and feedback: nwsradarfeedback@noaa.gov - operational service issues: nco.ops@noaa.gov - product support issues: idp-support@noaa.gov National Service Change Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/12/16
Re: SCN 20-117
The transition to the Ridge2 service is on hold due to the NWS declared "Critical Weather Day" (CWD). The CWD is currently scheduled to expire at 1800 UTC, 12/17/2020. When the CWD expires, the Ridge2 service will be implemented. The NWS CWD status is available at: https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/status/cwd/
Effective 2020/12/15
NOUS41 KWBC DDHHMM PNSWSH Service Change Notice 20-117 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 120 PM EST Tue Dec 15 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -Satellite Broadcast Network/NOAAPort Other NWS partners and NWS employees From: Michelle Mainelli Director, Office of Dissemination Subject: Static Radar Image Files Temporarily Suspended on EMWIN Services, Effective December 16, 2020 On or about December 16, 2020, ten static Radar Image files sent over the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-East and West High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT) / Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) satellite broadcast on virtual channel 21, and published on the enterprise EMWIN File Transfer Protocol (FTP) archive file server, will be temporarily suspended pending completion of the NWS migration to the new Ridge 2 radar product generation services. The suspended Radar products are listed/documented under Title-03 through 12, in the EMWIN Image and Text Data Capture Catalog: https://www.weather.gov/media/emwin/EMWIN_Image_and_Text_Data_Capture_Catalog_v1.3b_r180817.pdf The static Radar Image files should return to the EMWIN services by March 30, 2021. A separate NWS Public Information Statement (PNS) will be released when the static Radar files have been reinstated on the EMWIN services. In the interim and effective on or about December 16, 2020, Users may obtain Ridge 2 static radar image files for individual radar sites at the following Ridge 2 services URL: https://radar.weather.gov/ridge/lite/ Questions on the information in this bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov Questions on the Ridge 2 radar products may be address to: - product comments and feedback: nwsradarfeedback@noaa.gov - operational service issues, contact: nco.ops@noaa.gov - product support issues, contact: idp-support@noaa.gov National Service Change Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/11/19
NOUS41 KWBC 182010 PNSWSH Public Information Statement 20-85 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 410 PM EST Wed Nov 18 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS Partners, Users and Employees FROM: Brian Gross Acting Director National Centers for Environmental Prediction SUBJECT: Seeking Comments on Proposed Changes to User Access of NCEP Web Services through December 18, 2020 The NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) is seeking public comments through December 18, 2020, on the management of user access of the NCEP Web Services. As demand for data continues to grow across NCEP websites, we are proposing to put new limits into place to safeguardour web services. The frequency of how often these websites are accessed by the public has created limitations and infrastructure constraints. To add new or upgraded streams of data, there has to be a reduction in the number of connections into our system. The mitigation will reduce the strain on our infrastructure, ensuring a more robust level of service for all users. For example, a possible mitigation would lower the limit of the number of connections to 60 per minute for a given user accessing any of the websites below. This would be a cumulative limit for any type of data request across any website. A "head" request will count towards the limit the same as a "get" request. Websites affected, both ftp and https, would include: nomads.ncep.noaa.gov ftp.ncep.noaa.gov www.ftp.ncep.noaa.gov ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov mag.ncep.noaa.gov tgftp.nws.noaa.gov aviationweather.gov weather.gov alerts.weather.gov w1.weather.gov w2.weather.gov/climate w2.weather.gov/dmawds airquality.weather.gov graphical.weather.gov digital.weather.gov ra4-gifs.weather.gov hamradio.noaa.gov weather.gov/spot water.weather.gov marine.weather.gov forecast.weather.gov mobile.weather.gov ocean.weather.gov radar.weather.gov api.weather.gov tsunami.gov madis.ncep.noaa.gov madis-data.ncep.noaa.gov hads.ncep.noaa.gov amdar.ncep.noaa.gov mrms.ncep.noaa.gov/data water.noaa.gov inws.ncep.noaa.gov iris.ncep.noaa.gov nowcoast.ncep.noaa.gov idpgis.ncep.noaa.gov Gisc-washington.ncep.noaa.gov cts.ncep.noaa.gov charts.noaa.gov tileservice.charts.noaa.gov Radar2pub.ncep.noaa.gov Radar3pub.ncep.noaa.gov Ocean.ncep.noaa.gov www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov vlab.ncep.noaa.gov emc.ncep.noaa.gov polar.ncep.noaa.gov hysplit.ncep.noaa.gov ctbto.ncep.noaa.gov www.ncep.noaa.gov www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov www.lib.ncep.noaa.gov mageval.ncep.noaa.gov This list is not all inclusive. Any direct URLs such as "origin, " or any non-operational URLs such as "dev," "qa," or "preview" will also be impacted. NCEP will be holding a virtual public forum to discuss this and other mitigation options on December 8, 2020, at 2 pm EST. Please register for the meeting at: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6331491940012140301 Please send questions and comments regarding this mitigation plan to: NCO Implementation and Data Services Branch Carissa Klemmer, Chief idp.feedback@noaa.gov We will review any feedback we receive, and will notify users via a Service Change Notice (SCN) of any operational changes. National Weather Public Information Statements are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/11/10
NOUS41 KWBC 101935 PNSWSH Public Information Statement 20-82 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 335 PM EST Tue Nov 10x 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS partners and NWS employees FROM: Allison Allen, Chief NWS Marine, Tropical, and Tsunami Services Branch SUBJECT: National Tsunami Warning Center Routine Communications Tests for the West Coast and Alaska Coast to take place on November 13, 2020 The NWS National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC) and coastal NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFO) will perform routine monthly tsunami communication tests to ensure end-to-end readiness of NWS dissemination software and hardware on Friday, November 13, 2020, for Alaska and West Coast states. The intended recipients of these communication tests include designated national focal points, state/territorial warning points, coastal WFOs, U.S. Coast Guard, and critical military dissemination points. Each test message will be clearly identified as such, and will be consistent with the product changes implemented by Service Change Notice 18-94: Changes to Valid Time Event Codes (VTEC) and Event Tracking Numbers (ETN) for Domestic Tsunami Test Products Effective April 1, 2019. https://www.weather.gov/media/notification/pdfs/scn18-94vtec_tsunami.pdf VTEC codes for the test messages will start with the /T fixed identifier (versus /O for operational messages). To provide additional assurance that a test message is not inadvertently distributed as an actual Warning/Advisory/Watch product, Event Tracking Numbers (ETN) for the test messages will begin with 9 as the leading digit of the four character code. The text products affected by routine monthly tsunami communication testing are the national tsunami products issued under the following AWIPS Product Identifiers (PIL) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Identifiers (ID): NTWC Product AWIPS PIL WMO ID ------------ --------- ------ Segmented Tsunami W/W/A TSUWCA WEPA41 for West Coast/BC/Alaska Public Tsunami W/W/A TSUAK1 WEAK51 for West Coast/BC/Alaska Routine tsunami communications testing will continue monthly. WFOs participating in the national monthly tsunami communications test are listed below by NWS Region: NWS Alaska Region Anchorage, AK (AFC) Juneau, AK (AJK) NWS Western Region Seattle/Tacoma, WA (SEW) Portland, OR (PQR) Medford, OR (MFR) Eureka, CA (EKA) San Francisco, CA (MTR) Los Angeles, CA (LOX) San Diego, CA (SGX) For more information, please contact: Mike Angove NWS Tsunami Services Program Leader Silver Spring, MD 301-427-9375 Michael.Angove@noaa.gov National Public Information Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/11/06
NOUS41 KWBC 061730 PNSWSH Public Information Statement 20-80 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 130 PM EST Fri Nov 6 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS partners and NWS employees FROM: Allison Allen, Chief NWS Marine, Tropical, and Tsunami Services Branch SUBJECT: NWS to issue National Tsunami Warning Center Routine Communications Tests for the East and Gulf Coast on November 10, 2020 The NWS National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC) and coastal NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFO) will perform routine monthly tsunami communication tests to ensure end-to-end readiness of NWS dissemination software and hardware on Tuesday November 10, 2020, for East and Gulf Coast states. In the event NWS declares a Critical Weather Day, this test will be postponed. The intended recipients of these communication tests include designated national focal points, state/territorial warning points, coastal WFOs, U.S. Coast Guard, and critical military dissemination points. Each test message will be clearly identified as such, and will be consistent with the product changes implemented by SCN18-94: Changes to Valid Time Event Codes (VTEC) and Event Tracking Numbers (ETN) for Domestic Tsunami Test Products, Effective April 1, 2019 https://www.weather.gov/media/notification/pdfs/scn18-94vtec_tsunami.pdf VTEC codes for the test messages will start with the /T fixed identifier versus /O for operational messages. To provide additional assurance that a test message is not inadvertently distributed as an actual Warning/Advisory/Watch product, Event Tracking Numbers (ETN) for the test messages will begin with 9 as the leading digit of the four-character code. The text products affected by routine monthly tsunami communication testing are the national tsunami products issued under the following AWIPS Product Identifiers (PIL) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Identifiers (ID): NTWC Product AWIPS PIL WMO ID ------------ --------- ------ Segmented Tsunami W/W/A TSUAT1 WEXX20 for U.S. Atlantic Coast Gulf Coast, and Canada East Coast Public Tsunami W/W/A TSUATE WEXX30 for U.S. Atlantic Coast Gulf Coast, and Canada East Coast Routine tsunami communications testing will continue monthly. WFOs taking part in the national monthly tsunami communications test are listed below by NWS Region: NWS Eastern Region Boston, MA (BOX) Caribou, ME (CAR) Charleston, SC (CHS) Gray/Portland, ME (GYX) Mount Holly, NJ (PHI) Newport/Morehead City, NC (MHX) New York, NY (OKX) Sterling, VA (LWX) Wakefield, VA (AKQ) Wilmington, NC (ILM) NWS Southern Region Brownsville, TX (BRO) Corpus Christi, TX (CRP) Houston, TX (HGX) Jacksonville, FL (JAX) Key West, FL (KEY) Lake Charles, LA (LCH) Melbourne, FL (MLB) Miami, FL (MFL) Mobile, AL (MOB) New Orleans, LA (LIX) Tallahassee, FL (TAE) Tampa Bay Area, FL (TBW) For more information, please contact: Mike Angove NWS Tsunami Services Program Leader Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-427-9375 Michael.Angove@noaa.gov National Public Information Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/10/22
PNSWSH Service Change Notice 20-96 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 330 PM EDT Wed Octg 21 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS partners and NWS employees FROM: Allison Allen, Chief NWS Marine, Tropical, and Tsunami Services Branch SUBJECT: Network Maintenance on October 22, 2020, to Affect Dissemination of Tsunami Products On October 22, 2020, NWS/NCO will be performing network maintenance, described in SCN 20-94: https://www.weather.gov/media/notification/SCN20-94_FAA_Maintenance_10222020.pdf, This maintenance will cause an outage of a select set of products for 1 hour from 0630z to 0730z. NWS will not send a sub-set of products to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) during the outage. Users should be advised that alerts from the National Tsunami Warning Center and Pacific Tsunami Warning Center will not be disseminated over Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network (AFTN). In the event of Critical Weather Day (CWD), this maintenance will be postponed. Tsunami products will be available on all other NWS dissemination systems including: National Warning System (NAWAS) Alaska Warning System (AKWAS) Hawaii Warning System (HAWAS) Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA), where applicable NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Emergency Alert System (EAS) Email subscription Fax subscription SMS subscription Tsunami.gov For more information, please contact: Mike Angove NWS Tsunami Services Program Leader Silver Spring, MD 301-427-9375 Michael.Angove@noaa.gov National Service Change Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/10/14
The purpose of this survey is to get a more accurate picture of the High Rate Information
Transmission/Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (HRIT/EMWIN) Users’
capability footprint and what sources are being utilized to
retrieve their environmental data.
Effective 2020/09/30
NOUS41 KWBC 301140 PNSWSH Public Information Statement 20-70 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 740 AM EDT Wed Sep 30 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS partners and NWS employees From: Allison Allen Chief, NWS Marine, Tropical, and Tsunami Services Branch Subject: Soliciting comments through October 30, 2020, on potential changes to Tsunami Advisory text product formats. To view this Public Information Statement in Spanish see this link: (Para acceder al Comunicado de Informacion Publica en espanol presione aqui:) https://www.weather.gov/media/notification/pdf2/pns20-69tsunami_hazsimp_spanish.pdf NWS is collecting comments through October 30, 2020, on proposed changes to its Tsunami Advisory products. This proposal is part of the broader Hazard Simplification effort within NWS. NWS currently issues Tsunami Advisory products to alert stakeholders to lower-magnitude tsunami events that may pose a danger to coastal communities. In some situations, Tsunami Advisory products may be misunderstood in terms of their expected impacts to coastal populations, along with the associated protective actions that need to be taken. It is proposed that a new way of communicating the exact nature of the danger may reduce some of the confusion surrounding these lower-magnitude products. Therefore, the NWS is soliciting comments on potential new product options as follows: Option A: Tsunami Warning for Strong Currents [with Tsunami in Header] Option B: Harbor and Beach Warning [without Tsunami in Header] Option C: Harbor and Beach Tsunami Warning [with Tsunami in Header] Please see the NWS Product Description Document (PDD) for more details: https://nws.weather.gov/products/PDD/PDD_Tsunami_Advisory_Products_for_HazSimp_2020-9-25-20.pdf Please provide feedback concerning these options using the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tsunamiadvisory En español: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SpanishTsunami Based on feedback received, NWS may implement this new product language and text format. For more information, please contact: Mike Angove NWS Tsunami Services Program Leader Silver Spring, MD 301-427-9375 Michael.Angove@noaa.gov National Public Information Statements are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/09/30
NOUS41 KWBC 301120 PNSWSH Declaración de Información Pública 20-69 Oficina Central del Servicio Nacional de Meteorología (SNM) en Silver Spring, MD 720 AM EDT Wed Sep 30 2020 Para: Suscriptores: -Servicio de Cable Meteorológico de la NOAA -Redes de Información del Tiempo de Manejo de Emergencias -Puerto NOAA Otros socios del SNM y empleados del SNM De: Allison Allen Jefa, Marina SNM, Tropical, y Subdivisión de Servicios de Tsunami Asunto: Se solicitan comentarios hasta el 30 de Octubre de 2020 para posibles cambios en el texto de los formatos de los productos de Advertencia de Tsunami. El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología está recopilando comentarios hasta el 30 de Octubre de 2020 sobre los cambios propuestos en sus productos de Advertencia de Tsunami. Esta propuesta forma parte del esfuerzo más amplio de Simplificación de Riesgos dentro del SNM. Actualmente, el SNM emite productos de Advertencia de tsunami para alertar a las partes interesadas sobre eventos de tsunami de menor categoría que pueden representar un peligro para las comunidades costeras. En algunas situaciones, los productos de Advertencia pueden ser malinterpretados en cuanto a lo que el nivel de Advertencia significa para las poblaciones costeras, y las acciones que deben seguir. Se propone que una nueva forma de identificar el peligro, pueda reducir parte de la confusión que rodea a estos productos de categoría inferior. Por lo tanto, el SNM está solicitando comentarios sobre posibles opciones de nuevos productos de la siguiente manera: Opción A: Advertencia de Tsunami para Corrientes Fuertes [con encabezado de Tsunami] Opción B: Advertencia de Puerto y Playa [sin encabezado de Tsunami] Opción C: Advertencia de Puerto y Playa [con encabezado de Tsunami] Consulte el Documento de Descripción del Producto (PDD por sus siglas en inglés) del SNM, para obtener más detalles: https://nws.weather.gov/products/PDD/PDD_Tsunami_Advisory_Products_for_HazSimp_2020-9-25-20.pdf Puede emitir sus comentarios sobre estas opciones utilizando el siguiente enlace: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SpanishTsunami Basado en los comentarios que se reciban, el SNM podrá implementar este nuevo lenguaje de productos y el formato de texto. Para más información, puede contactarse con: Mike Angove Líder del Programa de Servicios de Tsunami SNM Silver Spring, MD 301-427-9375 Michael.Angove@noaa.gov Las Declaraciones Nacionales de Información Pública se encuentran en línea en: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/09/29
Topic: GOES-14/15/16/17 Fall 2020 Solar RFI predicted times are now available
Date/Time Issued: September 29, 2020 1522 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-14/15/16/17 Imager Data plus Ancillary Services (GVAR, SAR, LRIT, EMWIN, DCS, GRB, etc.)
Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 3, 2020 1642 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: October 17, 2020 2129 UTC
Length of Outage: See table in details.
Details/Specifics of Change: The potential for solar radio frequency interference (RFI) with a satellite downlink circuit will occur whenever the Sun passes into the beam of the ground station receiving antenna.
We received the following information from our Mission Operations Division concerning the potential for outages of the GOES data stream including GVAR (GOES Variable) Imager and Sounder, EMWIN (Emergency Managers Weather Information Network), SAR (Search and Rescue), Low Rate Information Transmission (LRIT), High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT), GOES Data Collection System (DCS), Sensor Data (SD), Telemetry and Command (T&C), Weather Facsimile (WEFAX), Data Collection Platform Report (DCPR), Multi-use data link (MDL), Raw Data Link (RDL), etc.
The Dongara Command and Data Acquisition Stations (CDAs) and Environmental Satellite Processing Center (ESPC) receiving antennas may experience periods of Solar RFI as predicted below. Solar RFI can cause loss of telemetry lock and command capability, as well as degradation or loss in the GVAR data.
Solar RFI predicted times for the Fall 2020:
GOES-14 | 5 OCT – 12 OCT | 1855 - 1906Z | WALLOPS | T&C |
5 OCT – 12 OCT | 1854 - 1905Z | SUITLAND | ||
5 OCT – 12 OCT | 1852 - 1904Z | FAIRMONT |
GOES-15 | 3 OCT – 10 OCT | 2042 - 2053Z | WALLOPS | T&C |
3 OCT – 10 OCT | 2041 - 2052Z | SUITLAND | ||
3 OCT – 10 OCT | 2040 - 2051Z | FAIRMONT | ||
10 OCT – 17 OCT | 2013 - 2024Z | FAIRBANK |
GOES-16 | 4 OCT – 11 OCT | 1645 - 1656Z | WALLOPS | RDL, GRB, T&C, HRIT, DCPC, |
4 OCT – 11 OCT | 1644 - 1655Z | SUITLAND | SAR | |
4 OCT – 11 OCT | 1642 - 1653Z | FAIRMONT |
GOES-17 | 3 OCT – 10 OCT | 2118 - 2129Z | WALLOPS | RDL, GRB, T&C, HRIT, DCPC, |
3 OCT – 10 OCT | 2117 - 2128Z | SUITLAND | SAR | |
3 OCT – 10 OCT | 2116 - 2127Z | FAIRMONT |
Contact Information for Further Information:
For information on the status of this work, please contact ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880 and SPSD.Userservices@noaa.gov
Effective 2020/09/25
NOUS41 KWBC 251720 PNSWSH Public Information Statement 20-68 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 120 AM EDT Fri Sep 25 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS partners and NWS employees FROM: Mike Angove, Chief (acting) NWS Marine, Tropical, and Tsunami Services Branch SUBJECT: Network Maintenance on September 28, 2020, to Affect Dissemination of Tsunami Products On or about September 28, 2020, NWS/NCO will be performing network maintenance that will cause an outage for approximately three (3) hours from 0600z to 0900z. Some NWS products and data will be unavailable via NOAAPort/Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN) and NCEP Web Services during the outage. In the event of Critical Weather Day (CWD), this maintenance will be postponed. During the outage window, the National Tsunami Warning Center and Pacific Tsunami Warning Center messages will be capable of alerting partners and users through: National Warning System (NAWAS) Alaska Warning System (AKWAS) Hawaii Warning System (HAWAS) Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA), where applicable NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Emergency Alert System (EAS) Email subscription Fax subscription SMS subscription Tsunami.gov US National Weather Service Social media channels Users should be advised that the National Tsunami Warning Center and Pacific Tsunami Warning Center will not be able to communicate over internal National Weather Service and other Federal networks, including: Advanced Weather Information Processing System (AWIPS) NOAA Weather Wire NOAAPort/SBN Aeronautical Information System Replacement (AISR) Emergency management and alert systems and networks that rely on automation through these services may have a delay or not receive normal messages or triggers. During this outage window, the NWS encourages partners and users to be ready to receive information through alternative means if a tsunami event takes place. More details of the realignment can be found in the previously-issued SCN: https://www.weather.gov/media/notification/pdf2/scn20-86noaaport_outageaab.pdf For more information, please contact: Mike Angove NWS Tsunami Services Program Leader Silver Spring, MD 301-427-9375 Michael.Angove@noaa.gov National Public Information Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/09/24
NOUS41 KWBC 211220 AAB PNSWSH Service Change Notice 20-86 Updated National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 820 AM EDT Mon Sep 21 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS Partners, Users and Employees From: Ben Kyger, Director NCEP Central Operations Subject: Updated: Outage of some NWS Products on SBN/NOAAPort and NWS Web Services for Planned Maintenance Effective date: September 28, 2020 Updated to change the maintenance window from September 21 to September 28 due to the declaration of a Critical Weather Day from the tropical system in the Gulf of Mexico. On or about September 28, 2020, NWS/NCO will be performing network maintenance that will cause an outage for three (3) hours from 0600z to 0900z. Some NWS products and data will be unavailable via NOAAPort/SBN and NCEP Web Services during the outage. In the event of Critical Weather Day (CWD), this maintenance will be postponed. During the maintenance window, the following impacts are expected: 1) The following data sets disseminated on NOAAPort/SBN/National Weather-Wire Service (NWWS) will not be available during the maintenance window, but will be queued to send once complete: - Tsunami Watches/Warnings - CAP1.2 formatted Watches, Warnings, and Advisories (WWA) messages - Surface observation data from the FAA’s Weather Message Switching Center Replacement (WMSCR) - Local Storm Reports (LSRs) - Site-Specific (SPOT) Forecasts - GOES-16, GOES-17, NOAA-20, S-NPP, and polar products (will not backfill in full) - NCEP Integrated Dissemination Program (IDP) Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) data - NCEP IDP Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor System (MRMS) data - NCEP IDP Hydrometeorological Automated Data System (HADS) data - NCEP model data - NOAA20 sounder satellite products - Vaisala Lightning data - Buoy and Ship data - METAR data (i.e. Canadian, FAA, military) - International model data (i.e. ECMWF data) - Some NCEP Centers (i.e. CPC/WPC/OPC) products To the best of our ability this list encompasses the data sets impacted but may not be fully inclusive. 2) The following data will not be available on NWS Web Services during the maintenance window, but will be queued to send once complete: https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov It will also not be available for delivery to the WMO Global Telecommunication System (GTS), or NWS Telecommunication Gateway (TG) partners to include DoD and FAA. - Watches, Warnings, and Advisories (not including CAP1.2 format) /data/watches_warnings /SL.us008001/DF.c5/DC.textf/ - Radar Level 3 /SL.us008001/DF.of/DC.radar/ - NDFD products - Upper Air products - Observations (METARs, SPECIs, Marine, etc) - Forecast discussion products - WFO zone forecast products - Terminal Area Forecast (TAF) data - Some SPC, NHC, and AWC products 3) Watches, Warnings, and Advisories will not be available through the EDIS (Email Data Input System) application. 4) The 13Z through 15Z Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) and associated precipitation analysis products will likely experience some degradation due to expected missing input data during the outage. For questions regarding this migration and the detailed impacts above, please contact: Carissa Klemmer, Chief NCO Implementation and Data Services Branch, Dataflow Team ncep.pmb.dataflow@noaa.gov NWS Service Change Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/09/24
NOUS41 KWBC 242455 PNSWSH Public Information Statement 20-67 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring, MD 1055 AM EDT Thu Sep 24 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS partners and NWS employees From: Allison Allen Chief, NWS Marine, Tropical, and Tsunami Services Branch Subject: Soliciting comments through October 30, 2020 for potential changes to Tsunami Advisory text product formats. The NWS is collecting comments through October 30, 2020, on proposed changes to its Tsunami Advisory products. This proposal is part of the broader Hazard Simplification effort within NWS. NWS currently issues Tsunami Advisory products to alert stakeholders to lower magnitude tsunami events that may pose a danger to coastal communities. In some situations, Tsunami Advisory products may be misunderstood in terms of their expected impacts to coastal populations, along with the associated protective actions that need to be taken. It is proposed that a new way of communicating the exact nature of the danger may reduce some of the confusion surrounding these lower-magnitude products. Therefore, the NWS is soliciting comments on potential new product options as follows: Option A: Tsunami Warning for Strong Currents [with Tsunami in Header] Option B: Harbor and Beach Warning [without Tsunami in Header] Option C: Harbor and Beach Tsunami Warning [with Tsunami in Header] Please see the NWS Product Description Document (PDD) for more details: https://nws.weather.gov/products/PDD/PDD_TsunamiAdvisoryProducts_HazSimp_2020.pdf Feedback concerning these options can be provided using the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tsunamiadvisory Based on feedback received, NWS may implement this new product language and text format. For more information, please contact: Mike Angove NWS Tsunami Services Program Leader Silver Spring, MD 301-427-9375 Michael.Angove@noaa.gov National Public Information Statements are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/07/02
NOUS41 KWBC 021720 PNSWSH Public Information Statement 20-50 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring, MD 120 PM EDT Thu Jul 2 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS Partners and NWS Employees From: Michelle Hawkins, Chief Severe, Fire, Public, and Winter Weather Services Branch Subject: Seeking comments through August 2, 2020on on proposed replacement of RIDGE I radar webpage with RIDGE II radar webpage NWS is proposed to replace the Radar Integrated Display with Geospatial Elements (RIDGE) Radar Version I webpage with the Version lI webpage. NWS is soliciting comments on the proposed RIDGE II radar webpage through August 2, 2020. RIDGE I operational URL: https://radar.weather.gov RIDGE II preview URL**: https://preview-radar.weather.gov/ **At this time the URL is currently only intended for users to provide feedback. Users should not set up operational feeds from it. The RIDGE Version II would replace RIDGE Version I of FLASH with HTML5 and Javascript with a web-based and mobile-friendly display that uses Multi-Radar MultiSensor (MRMS) datasets on an interactive map containing Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant layers. Along with the included radar products, users would also have the ability to display NWS long- and short-fused Watches, Warnings, and Advisories. The web map is optimized for small and large screen devices. Users can bookmark a particular perspective of the map or select and save the perspective of a particular radar. As a result, there would no longer be a need for the individual web pages that display specific Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) products. These webpages (ex. https://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=aaa; where ‘aaa’ is the 3-letter identifier of the radar) will be discontinued along with RIDGE I. For further details, please see the Product Description Document: https://nws.weather.gov/products/PDD/PDD_ExpRidgeII_2020.pdf The preview geoTIF images can be accessed at: https://mrmst.ncep.noaa.gov/data/RIDGEII/ If approved for replacement, the NWS will issue a Service Change Notice (SCN) detailing when the RIDGE II webpage will be supported operationally. The SCN would also specify the transition period from RIDGE I to RIDGE II. At that point, the current RIDGE I webpage (https://radar.weather.gov) would run in-parallel with the new RIDGE II webpage for 75 days to enable users to transition to RIDGE II. At the end of the 75 days RIDGE II will replace RIDGE I. The NWS will evaluate all comments during this period and will determine any additional and immediate need for changes, based on public feedback. Please provide feedback through the NWS survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ProposedRidge2 For questions regarding the information in this notice, please contact: Greg Schoor NWS Severe Weather Services Program Leader Norman, OK 73072 gregory.m.schoor@noaa.gov or IDP GIS Support Team NOAA/NWS/IDP Silver Spring, MD idp.gis.support@noaa.gov NWS Public Information Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/06/30
NOUS41 KWBC 291645 AAC PNSWSH Public Information Statement 20-14 Updated National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 1145 AM EDT Mon Jun 29 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS Partners and NWS Employees From: Allison Allen, Chief Marine, Tropical and Tsunami Weather Services Branch Subject: Updated: Soliciting Comments on Proposal to Change Small Craft Advisory to Small Craft Warning through August 31, 2020 Updated to extend deadline to August 31, 2020. The NWS is considering a major change to the Watch, Warning and Advisory (WWA) system (for information on this and other proposed changes, see: https://www.weather.gov/hazardsimplification/. The proposed new system would remove the terms "Advisory," "Special Weather Statement," and "NOWcast" as headlines, and streamline all subWatch and sub-Warning information into a single, plain-language Statement, with a few exceptions. One exception to this change includes the marine Small Craft Advisory (SCA), one of the advisories included in the Marine Weather Message (MWW) product and the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWF) product. Due to the critical nature and use of the information of the Small Craft Advisory and that associated conditions require vessels of a certain size to take protective action, NWS proposes to rename this advisory to Small Craft Warning instead of converting it to a plain-language statement. The NWS regional criteria for issuing Small Craft Warnings would remain the same as it is for Small Craft Advisories. Here is a link to the current regional SCA criteria: https://www.weather.gov/marine/faq#13 At this time, the NWS is soliciting specific feedback on the proposal to change a Small Craft Advisory to a Small Craft Warning, including the headlines. A description of the proposal to change Small Craft Advisory to Small Craft Warning, product examples, and requirements explanation can be found at the following link: https://nws.weather.gov/products/PDD/PDD_ProposaltoChangeSmallCraftAdvisorytoWarning_2020.pdf To provide feedback to this proposal, take the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VZGX6BF Darren Wright NWS Marine Program Leader Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-427-9283 darren.wright@noaa.gov National Public Information Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/06/11
NOUS41 KWBC 061500 PNSWSH Public Information Statement 20-43 National Weather Service Headquarters, Silver Spring, MD 1100 AM EDT Thu Jun 11 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS Partners and NWS Employees From: Eli Jacks, Chief, Forecast Services Division Subject: Soliciting comments through August 21, 2020, on proposed major changes to the NWS Watch, Warning, and Advisory (WWA) system. As the core outcome of the Hazard Simplification (Haz Simp) project, the NWS is collecting comments through August 21, 2020, on the proposed discontinuation of "Advisory, " "Special Weather Statement, " and "Short Term Forecast" headlines. In their place, NWS proposes the use of generic, plain language statements to convey information for lower-level hazardous events that are not expected to reach the “Watch” or "Warning" levels. All current "Watch" and "Warning" products, used to highlight hazards that pose a threat to life and property, would remain unchanged. The purpose of this proposal is to address extensive social science research, which indicated three main concerns: 1) Large number of existing WWA products can create confusion for NWS partners and the public 2) Formats of WWA and other key messaging products are inconsistent 3) WWA headlines can be misunderstood, leading to unintended protective action or lack thereof. More details on this proposal, along with a library of examples showing how current messages would transition to plain language statements, can be found in the Product Description Document (PDD): https://nws.weather.gov/products/PDD/PDD_Proposed_FinalHazSimpProposal_2020.pdf Comments and feedback on these proposed changes may be directed to the NWS via an online survey form at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/publichazsimp Please send questions on this proposed change vy by August 21, 2020, to hazsimp@noaa.gov National Service Change Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/06/01
NOUS41 KWBC 011235 PNSWSH Public Information Statement 20-37 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 835 AM EDT Mon Jun 1 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Services -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS Partners and NWS employees From: Allison Allen, Chief NWS Marine, Tropical, and Tsunami Services Branch Subject: NWS is Soliciting Feedback from Specified Partner Sectors on their Use of NWS Tropical Products and Services through June 30, 2021. The NWS Tropical Services Program is accepting comments from specified partner sectors through June 30, 2021, on their use of NWS tropical products and services. Tropical products are used by a variety of users including broadcast media, emergency management/public safety officials, and software/web/app developers. The NWS is now seeking feedback specifically from these users on how tropical products and services are accessed and used during high-impact events. There are three specific target sectors for this survey: (1) Users who communicate the information from NWS tropical products directly to the public, (2) Emergency management officials that use information from NWS tropical products to make and message public safety decisions, and (3) Those who repackage the information from the NWS tropical products primarily through parsing (i.e., the use of software or other tools to automatically process products to extract all or parts of the product). The survey is available at the following link and will remain open until June 30, 2021: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NWSTropicalProducts The NWS Hurricane Harvey Service Assessment Finding 2 stated “...local tropical products were not widely used by the media and other core partners during Hurricane Harvey.” The assessment goes on to recommend that “Local offices, Regional Headquarters, and the NWS Tropical Program should determine whether partners’ lack of use of local tropical products was peculiar to Hurricane Harvey or represents a broader condition affecting other coastal areas.” The Hurricane Harvey NWS Service Assessment can be found here: https://www.weather.gov/media/publications/assessments/harvey6-18.pdf The results of this survey will be used to gain a general understanding of how specific partner sectors use and access NWS tropical products, and to make an informed decision on specific changes that may be needed to ensure the products are effective and meeting partners’ needs. Proposed changes to NWS products/services will be open for broader public comment before implementation. The NWS Tropical Services Program provides programmatic leadership for the nation‘s tropical weather program, which includes operations at the National Hurricane Center (NHC), the Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC), and NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs). Please send comments and questions regarding this survey to the Tropical Services Program at: Tropical.Program@noaa.gov Public Information Statements are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/05/20
NOUS41 KWBC 201530 PNSWSH Public Information Statement 20-35 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD 1130 AM EDT Wed May 20 2020 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPort Other NWS Partners and NWS Employees From: Eli Jacks Chief, Forecast Services Division Subject: Announcing partner webinars in June and July 2020, on proposed major changes to the NWS Watch, Warning and Advisory (WWA) system Over the past 6 years, the NWS Hazard Simplification (Haz Simp) Project has use a series of social science engagements with forecasters, core partners, and other stakeholders to explore possible improvements to the NWS Watch, Warning and Advisory (WWA) system. This research found users believe there are too many WWA products, message formats are inconsistent, and WWA headlines can be confusing. In particular, the "Advisory" headline was found to be widely misunderstood and even conflated with "Watch". Based on these results, the Haz Simp Team has developed a proposal to streamline and simplify the WWA system. A 1-page handout summarizing the proposed changes is available for download here: https://www.weather.gov/media/notification/ref/Hazard_Simplification_Proposal.pdf All NWS partners and stakeholders (including but not limited to emergency managers, media and other private sector partners, first responders, DOT personnel, water managers, and other federal, state, and local government and tribal officials) are invited to attend a Partner Webinar to learn about the proposed changes and offer feedback. There are 5 interactive webinars to choose from, each of which will cover the same material: 2 PM EDT Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7470303407718075147 12 PM EDT Thursday, June 4th, 2020 https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5763166470061493517 1 PM EDT Wednesday, June 17th, 2020 https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8322712991291493901 11 AM EDT Thursday, July 9th, 2020 https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4963693973319545869 12 PM EDT Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2408615867344992013; The proposed changes have not been finalized. Our decision will be heavily based on user feedback, which makes wide participation in these webinars so important. While these webinars are for NWS partners, NWS will also solicit comments/feedback from the general public regarding this proposal. More information on this process will be released via a separate Public Information Statement in the coming weeks. For more information on the Haz Simp Project, please visit www.weather.gov/hazardsimplification/. Questions, concerns, and other feedback are encouraged, and should be sent to: hazsimp@noaa.gov National Public Information Statements are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2020/04/23
Effective 2019/12/18
NOXX10 KWBC 182052 Data Management Message 12-19.01 To: Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) Customers From: GISC/RTH Washington Data Management Subject: Enterprise EMWIN Services Image and Image Archive File Availability Issues. 1. Enterprise EMWIN (eEMWIN) is experiencing image file and image archive file availability issues. a. Image Files. Multiple image files have been identified as missing from Virtual Channel 21 on the GOES-East and GOES-West HRIT/EMWIN satellite broadcast and FTP Server image archive files. Efforts are underway to isolate and correct this issue. A full listing of the image files and their respective public URLs appears in the "EMWIN_Image_and_Text_Data_Capture_Catalog_v1.3b_r180817" on the NWS EMWIN web page under the Documents tab. Users are encouraged to use the image URL links to download the missing files until this EMWIN service issue is resolved: NWS EMWIN Web Page: https://www.weather.gov/emwin/ b. Image Archive File. The three-hour image archive file named "imghrs03.zip" on the EMWIN anonymous FTP file server is updated at the top of the hour. The update process has been noted to post in multiple successive increments, as the products are written to the archive file. If observed over time the file may grow in size after the top of the hour. The final complete file should post not later than 10 minutes past the top of the hour. To reduce the possibility of downloading an incomplete file, users are encouraged to download the file no earlier than 10 minutes past the top of the hour. NWS EMWIN FTP File Server: https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/OPS/ 2. Actions are underway to isolate and resolve these issues. A notification will be released as these issues are resolved. 3. Questions or comments on this Bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov For NOAAPORT and NON-AWIPS Customers - if you have any questions regarding distribution or would like to add these products to your datastream please contact Data Management at ncep.pmb.dm@noaa.gov. This information is also posted on the NWS Data Management change notices web page. The url is listed below. https://w2.weather.gov/datamgmt/notices Data Management NCO Production Management Branch College Park MD GISC/RTH Washington Sends NNNN
Effective 2019/11/25
2019/12/02 17Z DM11-19.01 Legacy EMWIN Service Termination effective December 2, 2019 NOXX10 KWBC 251410 Data Management Message 11-19.01 To: Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) Customers From: GISC/RTH Washington Data Management Subject: Legacy EMWIN Service Termination effective December 2, 2019 Legacy EMWIN customers are reminded that the NWS Legacy EMWIN services will terminate effective 1700-UTC, December 2, 2019. The individual services include: -EMWIN Satellite Broadcast Service (1692.7 MHz, GOES-14/15) -EMWIN File Transfer Protocol (FTP) archive file server -EMWIN ByteBlaster and HostMaster public Internet dissemination services at NWS Headquarters Please refer to Service Change Notice (SCN) 19-88 for additional information: https://www.weather.gov/media/notification/scn19- 88emwin_serv_end.pdf Questions or comments on this Bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov For NOAAPORT and NON-AWIPS Customers - if you have any questions regarding distribution or would like to add these products to your datastream please contact Data Management at ncep.pmb.dm@noaa.gov. This information is also posted on the NWS Data Management change notices web page. the url is listed below. https://w2.weather.gov/datamgmt/notices Data Management NCO Production Management Branch College Park MD GISC/RTH Washington Sends NNNN
Effective 2019/10/24
NOUS41 KWBC 241515 PNSWSH Service Change Notice 19-88 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring, MD 1115 AM EDT Thu Oct 24 2019 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPORT Other NWS partners and NWS employees From: Michelle Mainelli Director, Office of Dissemination Subject: Legacy EMWIN Service Termination effective December 2, 2019 The NWS Legacy EMWIN services will terminate effective 1700Z December 2, 2019. The individual services include: -EMWIN Satellite Broadcast Service (1692.7 MHz, GOES-14/15) -EMWIN File Transfer Protocol (FTP) archive file server -EMWIN ByteBlaster and HostMaster public Internet dissemination services at NWS Headquarters On August 29, 2019, the NWS follow-on enterprise EMWIN (eEMWIN)services were placed into operations following the release of a public notification issued on August 29, 2019, via Service Change Notice: https://www.weather.gov/media/notification/scn19-53emwin_goesaab.pdf The new eEMWIN services consist of: -eEMWIN satellite broadcast service on the NESDIS GOES-East and GOES-West HRIT/EMWIN Broadcast (1694.1 MHz, GOES-16/17) -eEMWIN anonymous FTP archive file server NWS will provide more than 90 days of parallel operations of the legacy EMWIN services and the updated eEMWIN services before terminating the legacy EMWIN services on December 2, 2019. This overlap should provide users the opportunity to acquire, install, operate and transition to the new HRIT/EMWIN receiving system and software, with minimal impact to current operations. The following NWS Internet-based resources are available for acquiring the products provided by Legacy EMWIN ByteBlaster. a. NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS) Operational Interface (OI): public Internet file push service. The reference web page for account registration is: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/nwws/ b. eEMWIN File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Bulletin Archive: public Internet file pull service https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/OPS/ c. Global Telecommunication Service (GTS) Internet File Service (GIFS): public Internet file pull service: https://ra4-gifs.weather.gov/data/RMTN/ d. EMWIN binary products may be downloaded directly from the public web pages accessed by EMWIN, which are documented in the "EMWIN Image and Text Data Capture Catalog," listed here: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents Questions or comments on the alternative services may be addressed to NWS EMWIN Support: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov Additional information on the new eEMWIN services can be found on Documents tab on the NWS EMWIN web page: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents Questions or comments on the information contained in this bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov National Service Change Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2019/10/16
NOXX10 KWBC 101831 NOXX10/KWBC/101831 Data Management Message 10-19.01 To: GEONETCast Americas (GNC-A) Customers From: GISC/RTH Washington Data Management Subject: GNC-A Service Interruption Commencing 1200 UTC, October 16, 2019 A planned upgrade of the NESDIS GNC-A uplink station equipment is scheduled to commence at 1200 UTC, October 16, 2019, and will last approximately 30 minutes. A GNC-A service interruption of 10 minutes is expected during this maintenance period. Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 16, 2019 1200-UTC (8:00am ET) Date/Time of Expected End: October 16, 2019 1230-UTC (8:30am ET) Length of Disruption: 10 minutes Information contained in this bulletin is posted on https://www.weather.gov/iscs/ Questions or comments on this Bulletin may be addressed to: iscs.dm@noaa.gov For NOAAPORT and NON-AWIPS Customers - if you have any questions regarding distribution or would like to add these products to your datastream please contact Data Management at ncep.pmb.dm@noaa.gov. This information is also posted on the NWS Data Management change notices web page. the url is listed below. https://www.nws.noaa.gov/datamgmt/notices.shtml Data Management NCO Production Management Branch College Park, MD GISC/RTH Washington Sends
Effective 10/1/2019
Effective 2019/10/1 NOXX10 KWBC 301000 Data Management Message 09-19.01 To: Emergency Managers Weather Information Network /EMWIN/ Customers From: GISC/RTH Washington Data Management Subject: Legacy EMWIN Service Disruption Commencing 1300 UTC October 1 2019 A planned repair and upgrade of NWS Network Services is scheduled to commence at 1300 UTC, October 1 2019.. and will last approximately 8 hours. A service disruption of 30 to 60 minutes is expected during this maintenance period which may block services or prevent some products from appearing on Legacy EMWIN. The following Legacy EMWIN services may be impacted: a. GOES-14/15 EMWIN Satellite Broadcast b. ByteBlaster c. File Transfer Protocol /FTP/ File service. Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 1 2019 1300-UTC /9:00am ET/ Date/Time of Expected End: October 1 2019 2100-UTC /5:00pm ET/ Length of Disruption: 1 Hour Users relying on Legacy EMWIN services should utilize alternate NWS dissemination services such as the new NWS enterprise EMWIN /eEMWIN/ services or the NOAA Weather Wire Service /NWWS/.. to assure continuous receipt of timely weather and water warnings and alerts.. throughout this period. If a Critical Weather Day is identified to take place during this maintenance event.. the event may be rescheduled. Information contained in this bulletin is posted on https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/index.html#notices https://www.nws.noaa.gov/iscs/index.html Questions or comments on this Bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov For NOAAPORT and NON-AWIPS Customers - if you have any questions regarding distribution or would like to add these products to your datastream please contact Data Management at ncep.pmb.dm@noaa.gov. This information is also posted on the NWS Data Management change notices web page. the url is listed below. http://www.nws.noaa.gov/datamgmt/notices.shtml Data Management NCO Production Management Branch College Park GISC/RTH Washington Sends NNNN
Effective 08/28/2019
NOUS41 KWBC 271740 AAB PNSWSH Service Change Notice 19-53 Updated National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring, MD 140 PM EDT Tue Aug 27 2019 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPORT Other NWS partners and NWS employees From: Ben Kyger Director, NCEP Central Operations Subject: Updated: Enterprise EMWIN Service Transition to Operations for GOES-East and GOES-West Satellite Broadcasts Effective: August 29, 2019 Updated to reflect the effective date of the eEMWIN services becoming operational from TBD to August 29, 2019. Users will be notified via a different SCN for information relating to the discontinuation date of the legacy EMWIN services through GOES- 14 and GOES-15. Effective on or about August 29, 2019, the NWS enterprise Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (eEMWIN) service is scheduled to transition to an operational NCEP Central Operations Integrated Dissemination Program (IDP) platform. The IDP eEMWIN dissemination service operates through a public facing NWS web dervice and over the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R (GOES-R) Series satellites. The present operational GOES-R Series satellites are: GOES-East (GOES-16) at 75.2 degrees West longitude GOES-West (GOES-17) at 137.2 degrees West longitude HRIT-EMWIN SERVICE PHASE-IN The NWS eEMWIN HRIT-EMWIN broadcast and data hosted on the public facing NWS web service will be supported operationally. Users transitioning to the High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT) EMWIN broadcast service will require an HRIT-EMWIN receiving station. HRIT-EMWIN system requirements and user information are available from NESDIS. Some information on HRIT- EMWIN receiving station equipment available for purchase is provided on the NWS EMWIN Web Services: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#hrit-emwin The NWS does not endorse or recommend any products or services appearing on this website. The assigned EMWIN Virtual Channel Identifiers (VCID) on the broadcast are: VCID-20: Priority 1 and 2 text products (see note 1 and 2) VCID-21: Image products (see note 1 and 3) VCID-22: Priority 3 and 4 text products (see note 1 and 2) Notes: 1. The products on the GOES-16/17 HRIT-EMWIN broadcast should not be used for operational purposes before the effective date. 2. Text product information is available in the "EMWIN Text Product Catalog" on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents 3. Image product information is available in the "EMWIN Image and Text Data Capture Catalog" https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents The NWS web services hosting HRIT-EMWIN satellite broadcast products for download are available here: https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/ ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/ - By the effective date, the products will begin populating the "OPS" directory. - During the 30-day evaluation period, the products will be available in the "QA" directory. The products on the eEMWIN Web Service should not be used for operational purposes before the eEMWIN services effective date. Further information on the eEMWIN web service is available in the "eEMWIN FTP Service Description Document" at: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents User wishing to provide comments on the product and services during the 30-day evaluation period, please contact: Carissa Klemmer NCEP Central Operations idp-support@noaa.gov carissa.l.klemmer@noaa.gov and Robert Gillespie nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov Questions on the information contained in this bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov National Service Change Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2019/07/24
NOUS41 KWBC 111710 AAA PNSWSH Service Change Notice 19-53 Updated National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring, MD 110 PM EDT Thu Jul 11 2019 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPORT Other NWS partners and NWS employees From: Ben Kyger Director, NCEP Central Operations Subject: Updated: Enterprise EMWIN Service Transition to Operations for GOES-East and GOES-West Satellite Broadcasts Effective on a date to be determined (TBD) Updated to reflect the effective date of the eEMWIN services becoming operational from July 24, 2019 to TBD; an updated SCN will be issue when a new date is set. Effective on a date to be determined, the NWS enterprise Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (eEMWIN) service is scheduled to transition to an operational NCEP Central Operations Integrated Dissemination Program (IDP) platform. The eEMWIN dissemination service operates through a public facing NWS web service and over the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R (GOES-R) Series satellites. The present operational GOES-R Series satellites are: GOES-East (GOES-16) at 75.2 degrees West longitude GOES-West (GOES-17) at 137.2 degrees West longitude HRIT-EMWIN SERVICE PHASE-IN On July 30, 2019, the NWS eEMWIN service enters a 30-day system stability evaluation period. On a date to be determined, after a successful evaluation period, the NWS eEMWIN HRIT-EMWIN broadcast and public facing NWS web service will be operational. Users transitioning to the High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT) EMWIN broadcast service will require an HRIT-EMWIN receiving station. HRIT-EMWIN system requirements and user information are available from NESDIS. Some information on HRITEMWIN receiving station equipment available for purchase is provided on the NWS EMWIN Web Services: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#hrit-emwin The NWS does not endorse or recommend any products or services appearing on this website. The assigned EMWIN Virtual Channel Identifiers (VCIDs) on the broadcast are: VCID-20 - Priority 1 and 2 text products (see note 1 and 2) VCID-21 - Image products (see note 1 and 3) VCID-22 - Priority 3 and 4 text products (see note 1 and 2) Notes: 1. The products on the GOES-16/17 HRIT-EMWIN broadcast should not be used for operational purposes prior to the effective date. 2. Text product information is available in the EMWIN Text Product Catalog on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents 3. Image product information is available in the EMWIN Image and Text Data Capture Catalog on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents The NWS Web Services hosting HRIT-EMWIN satellite broadcast products for download are available here: https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/ ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/ - By the effective date, the products will begin populating the OPS directory. - During the 30-day evaluation period, the products will be available in the QA directory. The products on the eEMWIN Web Service should not be used for operational purposes prior to the eEMWIN Services effective date. Further information on the eEMWIN Web Service is available in the eEMWIN FTP Service Description Document on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents User wishing to provide comments on the product and services during the 30-day evaluation period, please contact: Carissa Klemmer NCEP Central Operations idp-support@noaa.gov carissa.l.klemmer@noaa.gov and Robert Gillespie nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov Questions on the information contained in this bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov National Service Change Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2019/07/23
NOXX10 KWBC 231355 Data Management Message 07-19.02 To: Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) Customers From: GISC/RTH Washington Data Management Subject: GOES-16 and GOES-17 Possible Maintenance Outages Commencing 1400 UTC, July 23, 2019 Topic: GOES-16 and GOES-17 Possible Outages or Anomalies on July 23rd Due to GOES R Ground Troubleshooting Date/Time Issued: Jul 22, 2019 20:34:00 UTC Product or Data Impacted: All GOES 16 and 17 Data may be susceptible to outages or anomalies on July 23rd during the hours shown below due to ongoing intrusive troubleshooting activities being perform by the GOES R teams. If actual outages or anomalies are realized, official Notifications will be sent proving the details. Date/Time of Initial Impact: Jul 23, 2019 14:00:00 UTC Date/Time of Expected End: Jul 23, 2019 22:00:00 UTC Length of the Outage/Event: 8 Hrs 0 Mins Details/Specifics of Change: No details can be provided at this time other than the times of the possible intrusive activities. Contact information for further information: ross.cox@noaa.gov Questions or comments on this Bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov This information is also posted on the NWS Data Management change notices web page. The URL is listed below. http://www.nws.noaa.gov/datamgmt/notices.shtml Data Management NCO Production Management Branch College Park GISC/RTH Washington Sends NNNN
Effective 2019/07/24
NOXX10 KWBC 251610 DM06-19.03 Enterprise EMWIN Service Transition to Operations for GOES-East and GOES-West Satellite Broadcasts Effective: July 24, 2019 NOUS41/KWBC/251600 PNSWSH Service Change Notice 19-53 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring, MD 1200 PM EDT Tue Jun 25 2019 To: Subscribers: -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPORT Other NWS partners and NWS employees From: Ben Kyger Director, NCEP Central Operations Subject: Enterprise EMWIN Service Transition to Operations for GOES-East and GOES-West Satellite Broadcasts Effective: July 24, 2019 Effective on or about July 24, 2019, the National Weather Service (NWS) enterprise Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (eEMWIN) service is scheduled to transition to an operational NCEP Central Operations Integrated Dissemination Program (IDP) platform. The eEMWIN dissemination service operates through a public facing NWS Web Service and over the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R (GOES-R) Series satellites. The present operational GOES-R Series satellites are: GOES-East (GOES-16) at 75.2 degrees West longitude GOES-West (GOES-17) at 137.2 degrees West longitude HRIT-EMWIN SERVICE PHASE-IN On June 20, 2019, the NWS eEMWIN Service entered a 30-day system stability evaluation period. On or about the effective date above, after a successful evaluation period, the NWS eEMWIN HRIT-EMWIN broadcast and public facing NWS Web Service will be declared operational. Users transitioning to the High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT) EMWIN broadcast service will require an HRIT-EMWIN receiving station. HRIT-EMWIN system requirements and user information are available from NESDIS. Some information on HRIT-EMWIN receiving station equipment available for purchase is provided on the NWS EMWIN Web Services: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#hrit-emwin The NWS does not endorse or recommend any products or services appearing on this website. The assigned EMWIN Virtual Channel Identifiers (VCIDs) on the broadcast are: VCID-20 – Priority 1 and 2 text products (see note 1 and 2) VCID-21 – Image products (see note 1 and 3) VCID-22 – Priority 3 and 4 text products (see note 1 and 2) Notes: 1 – The products on the GOES-16/17 HRIT-EMWIN broadcast should not be used for operational purposes prior to the eEMWIN Service being declared operational by the NWS. 2 – Text product information is available in the "EMWIN Text Product Catalog" on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents 3 – Image product information is available in the "EMWIN Image and Text Data Capture Catalog" on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents The NWS Web Services hosting HRIT-EMWIN satellite broadcast products for download are available here: https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/ ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/ - On the effective date, the products will begin populating the "OPS" directory. - During the 30-day evaluation period, the products will be available in the "QA" directory. The products on the eEMWIN Web Service should not be used for operational purposes prior to the eEMWIN service being declared operational by the NWS. Further information on the eEMWIN Web Service is available in the "eEMWIN FTP Service Description Document" on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents User wishing to provide comments on the product and services during the 30-day evaluation period, please contact: Carissa Klemmer NCEP Central Operations idp-support@noaa.gov carissa.l.klemmer@noaa.gov and Robert Gillespie nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov Questions on the information contained in this bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov National Service Change Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2019/07/11
Updated: Enterprise EMWIN Service Transition to Operations for GOES-East and GOES-West Satellite Broadcasts Effective on a date to be determined (TBD)
NOUS41 KWBC 111710 AAA PNSWSH Service Change Notice 19-53 Updated National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring, MD 110 PM EDT Thu Jul 11 2019
To: | Subscribers: |
-NOAA Weather Wire Service | |
-Emergency Managers Weather Information Network | |
Other NWS partners and NWS employees | |
From: | Ben Kyger |
Director, NCEP Central Operations | |
Subject: | Updated: Enterprise EMWIN Service Transition to |
Operations for GOES-East and GOES-West Satellite | |
Broadcasts Effective on a date to be determined (TBD) |
Updated to reflect the effective date of the eEMWIN services becoming operational from July 24, 2019 to TBD; an updated SCN will be issue when a new date is set. Effective on a date to be determined, the NWS enterprise Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (eEMWIN) service is scheduled to transition to an operational NCEP Central Operations Integrated Dissemination Program (IDP) platform. The eEMWIN dissemination service operates through a public facing NWS web service and over the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R (GOES-R) Series satellites. The present operational GOES-R Series satellites are GOES-East (GOES-16) at 75.2 degrees West longitude GOES-West (GOES-17) at 137.2 degrees West longitude HRIT-EMWIN SERVICE PHASE-IN On July 30, 2019, the NWS eEMWIN service enters a 30-day system stability evaluation period. On a date to be determined, after a successful evaluation period, the NWS eEMWIN HRIT-EMWIN broadcast and public facing NWS web service will be operational. Users transitioning to the High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT) EMWIN broadcast service will require an HRIT-EMWIN receiving station. HRIT-EMWIN system requirements and user information are available from NESDIS. Some information on HRIT- EMWIN receiving station equipment available for purchase is provided on the NWS EMWIN Web Services: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#hrit-emwin The NWS does not endorse or recommend any products or services appearing on this website. The assigned EMWIN Virtual Channel Identifiers (VCIDs) on the broadcast are: VCID-20 Priority 1 and 2 text products (see note 1 and 2) VCID-21 Image products (see note 1 and 3) VCID-22 Priority 3 and 4 text products (see note 1 and 2) Notes: 1. The products on the GOES-16/17 HRIT-EMWIN broadcast should not be used for operational purposes prior to the effective date. 2. Text product information is available in the EMWIN Text Product Catalog on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents 3. Image product information is available in the EMWIN Image and Text Data Capture Catalog on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents The NWS Web Services hosting HRIT-EMWIN satellite broadcast products for download are available here: https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/ ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/ - By the effective date, the products will begin populating the OPS directory. - During the 30-day evaluation period, the products will be available in the QA directory. The products on the eEMWIN Web Service should not be used for operational purposes prior to the eEMWIN Services effective date. Further information on the eEMWIN Web Service is available in the eEMWIN FTP Service Description Document on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents User wishing to provide comments on the product and services during the 30-day evaluation period, please contact: Carissa Klemmer NCEP Central Operations idp-support@noaa.gov carissa.l.klemmer@noaa.gov and Robert Gillespie nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov Questions on the information contained in this bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov National Service Change Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2019/06/25
Enterprise EMWIN Service Transition to Operations for GOES-East and GOES-West Satellite Broadcasts Effective: 2019/07/24 00Z UTC
NOXX10 KWBC 251610 DM06-19.03 Enterprise EMWIN Service Transition to Operations for GOES-East and GOES-West Satellite Broadcasts Effective: July 24, 2019 NOUS41/KWBC/251600 PNSWSH Service Change Notice 19-53 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring, MD 1200 PM EDT Tue Jun 25 2019
To: | Subscribers: |
-NOAA Weather Wire Service | |
-Emergency Managers Weather Information Network | |
Other NWS partners and NWS employees |
From: | Ben Kyger |
Director, NCEP Central Operations | |
Subject: | Enterprise EMWIN Service Transition to Operations |
for GOES-East and GOES-West Satellite Broadcasts | |
Effective: July 24, 2019 |
Effective on or about July 24, 2019, the National Weather Service (NWS) enterprise Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (eEMWIN) service is scheduled to transition to an operational NCEP Central Operations Integrated Dissemination Program (IDP) platform. The eEMWIN dissemination service operates through a public facing NWS Web Service and over the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R (GOES-R) Series satellites. The present operational GOES-R Series satellites are: GOES-East (GOES-16) at 75.2 degrees West longitude GOES-West (GOES-17) at 137.2 degrees West longitude HRIT-EMWIN SERVICE PHASE-IN On June 20, 2019, the NWS eEMWIN Service entered a 30-day system stability evaluation period. On or about the effective date above, after a successful evaluation period, the NWS eEMWIN HRIT-EMWIN broadcast and public facing NWS Web Service will be declared operational. Users transitioning to the High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT) EMWIN broadcast service will require an HRIT-EMWIN receiving station. HRIT-EMWIN system requirements and user information are available from NESDIS. Some information on HRIT-EMWIN receiving station equipment available for purchase is provided on the NWS EMWIN Web Services: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#hrit-emwin The NWS does not endorse or recommend any products or services appearing on this website. The assigned EMWIN Virtual Channel Identifiers (VCIDs) on the broadcast are: VCID-20 Priority 1 and 2 text products (see note 1 and 2) VCID-21 Image products (see note 1 and 3) VCID-22 Priority 3 and 4 text products (see note 1 and 2) Notes: 1 The products on the GOES-16/17 HRIT-EMWIN broadcast should not be used for operational purposes prior to the eEMWIN Service being declared operational by the NWS. 2 Text product information is available in the EMWIN Text Product Catalog on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents 3 Image product information is available in the EMWIN Image and Text Data Capture Catalog on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents The NWS Web Services hosting HRIT-EMWIN satellite broadcast products for download are available here: https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/ ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/CU.EMWIN/DF.xt/DC.gsatR/ - On the effective date, the products will begin populating the OPS directory. - During the 30-day evaluation period, the products will be available in the QA directory. The products on the eEMWIN Web Service should not be used for operational purposes prior to the eEMWIN service being declared operational by the NWS. Further information on the eEMWIN Web Service is available in the eEMWIN FTP Service Description Document on the following web site: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/#documents User wishing to provide comments on the product and services during the 30-day evaluation period, please contact: Carissa Klemmer NCEP Central Operations idp-support@noaa.gov carissa.l.klemmer@noaa.gov and Robert Gillespie nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov Questions on the information contained in this bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov National Service Change Notices are online at: https://www.weather.gov/notification/ NNNN
Effective 2019/06/05
NOXX10 KWBC 061730 Data Management Message 06-19.01 To: Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) Customers From: GISC/RTH Washington Data Management Subject: EMWIN ByteBlaster and FTP File Server Disruption Commencing 2200 UTC, June 6, 2019 A planned upgrade of EMWIN Network Services is scheduled to commence at 2200 UTC, June 6, 2019, and will last approximately 4 hours. The EMWIN ByteBlaster and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) File services may experience an interruption of service during this period. The EMWIN satellite broadcast should not be impacted. Date/Time of Initial Impact: June 6, 2019 / 2200 UTC Date/Time of Expected End: June 7, 2019 / 0200 UTC Length of Outage: 4 Hours Users relying on the EMWIN ByteBlaster and FTP services should utilize alternate NWS dissemination services [e.g., NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS)] for continuous receipt of timely weather and water warnings and alerts throughout this period. If a ‘Critical Weather Day’ is identified to take place during this maintenance event, the event will be rescheduled. Information contained in this bulletin is posted on https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/index.html#notices https://www.nws.noaa.gov/iscs/index.html Questions or comments on this Bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov For NOAAPORT and NON-AWIPS Customers - if you have any questions regarding distribution or would like to add these products to your datastream please contact Data Management at ncep.pmb.dm@noaa.gov. This information is also posted on the NWS Data Management change notices web page. The URL is listed below. http://www.nws.noaa.gov/datamgmt/notices.shtml Data Management NCO Production Management Branch GISC/RTH Washington Sends NNNN
Effective 2019/05/30
NOXX10 KWBC 292022 Data Management Message 05-19.03 To: Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) Customers From: GISC/RTH Washington Data Management Subject: EMWIN ByteBlaster and FTP File Server Disruption Commencing 2200 UTC, May 30, 2019 A planned upgrade of EMWIN Network Services is scheduled to commence at 2200 UTC, May 30, 2019, and will last approximately 2 hours. The EMWIN ByteBlaster and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) File services may experience an interruption of service during this period. The EMWIN satellite broadcast should not be impacted. Date/Time of Initial Impact:May 30, 2019 / 2200 UTC Date/Time of Expected End:May 31, 2019 / 0000 UTC Length of Outage: 2 Hours Users relying of the EMWIN ByteBlaster and FTP services should utilize alternate NWS dissemination servic [e.g., NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS)] for continuous receipt of timely weather and water warnings and alerts throughout this period. If a Critical Weather Day is identified to take place during this maintenance event, the event will be rescheduled for June 4, 2019. Information contained in this bulletin is posted on https://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/index.html#notices https://www.nws.noaa.gov/iscs/index.html Questions or comments on this Bulletin may be addressed to: nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov Data Management NCO Production Management Branch GISC/RTH Washington Sends
Effective 2019/05/03
A scheduled network outage will occur beginning 6:00pm on Friday, May 3, 2019 through Sunday, May 5, 2019.
Effective 2019/04/25
Changes to NWS Dissemination Webpage URLs effective October 31, 2019
NOUS41 KWBC 251205
Service Change Notice 19-33 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD
905 AM EDT Thu Apr 25 2019
To: | Subscribers: |
-NOAA Weather Wire Service | |
-Emergency Managers Weather Information Network | |
Other NWS Partners, Users and Employees |
From: Michelle Mainelli, Director
Office of Dissemination
Subject: Changes to NWS Dissemination Webpage URLs effective
October 31, 2019
On or about Thursday, October 31, 2019, at 800 AM Central
Daylight Time (CDT), 1300 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the
NWS will change public facing dissemination system webpage URL
base address locations; migrating from
After this change, all the affected dissemination system webpage
links currently re-directed to the new locations will cease to
function. Thereafter, users will see a 404 error when attempting
to access the old URL base address for each respective
dissemination system.
The affected dissemination system URLs include:
and all subordinate webpage URLs.
All NWS partners and users will need to make necessary changes
to saved URLs.
Updated alerts and warnings remain online at:
For more information, please contact:
Gregory Zwicker
Program Manager
NWS Office of Dissemination
Dissemination Systems Branch
Effective 2018/10/23
DM10-18.02 GOES-15 (GOES-West) Satellite Drift to 128-degrees West Commencing 2015 UTC, October 23, 2018
Effective: 2018/10/23 2015Z UTC
NOXX10 KWBC 201410
Data Management Message 10-18.02
To: Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN)
From: GISC/RTH Washington Data Management
Subject: GOES-15 (GOES-West) Satellite Drift to 128-degrees West
Commencing 2015 UTC, October 23, 2018
The GOES-West satellite transition from GOES-15 to GOES-17 is
scheduled to commence at 2015 UTC, October 23, 2018, with the drift
of GOES-15 from 135 to 128-degrees west. The transition is scheduled
to be completed on December 10, 2018, with GOES-17 declared as the
operational GOES-West satellite.
The GOES-15 EMWIN transponder will remain operational throughout the
0.88-degree/day drift to 128-degrees west. Receiving stations with
fixed antenna installations are likely to experience degradation or
loss of signal lock should the satellite move outside the receiving
antenna’s effective beam width. Users should consider incrementally
re-orienting their antennas to maintain an effective signal-to-noise
ratio and signal lock during the GOES-15 drift.
The schedule of events for GOES-15 and GOES-17 is provided below.
Additional details are available from the NESDIS web site:
----------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------- |
OCT23-NOV01 | - GOES-15 drift from 135 to | - All instruments |
128W | and services | |
remain operational | ||
OCT24-NOV13 | - GOES-17 drift from 89.5 to | - HRIT/EMWIN |
137.1W | disabled | |
NOV15 | - GOES-17 activated | |
DEC10 | - GOES-17 declared the | |
Operational GOES-West | ||
satellite |
The simultaneous operations of the EMWIN broadcast on
GOES-14(105W) and GOES-15(128W); and the HRIT/EMIWN broadcast on
GOES-16(75.2W) and GOES-17(137.1W) is scheduled to remain in
effect through May 2019.
The close proximity of broadcast frequencies and geosynchronous
orbits of the GOES-15 and GOES-17 satellites may cause EMWIN-15
users to experience interference from GOES-17. Users are
encouraged to make further adjustments in their antenna
orientation to reduce interference issues.
EMWIN virtual channels 20, 21 and 22 on the GOES-16 and 17
HRIT/EMWIN broadcasts will not be operational until 2019.
Users are reminded to use products on the GOES-14 and 15 EMWIN
satellite broadcasts for operations, and to refrain from using
products appearing on channels 20, 21 and 22 in the GOES-16
and 17 HRIT/EMWIN broadcast until declared operational by the NWS.
Questions or comments may be directed to:
NWS EMWIN Support atnws.emwin.support@noaa.gov
For NOAAPORT and NON-AWIPS Customers - if you have any
questions regarding distribution or would like to add these
products to your datastream please contact Data Management
This information is also posted on the NWS Data Management
change notices web page. The url is listed below.
Data Management
NCO Production Management Branch College Park
GISC/RTH Washington Sends
Effective 2018/10/01
NOXX10 KWBC 011855
Data Management Message 10-18.01
To: Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) Customers
From: GISC/RTH Washington Data Management
Subject: GOES-13/14/15/16 Fall 2018 Solar RFI
NESDIS has provided the following information concerning the
potential for outages of the GOES data stream, including EMWIN.
The potential for solar radio frequency interference (RFI) with a
satellite downlink circuit will occur whenever the Sun passes into
the beam of the ground station receiving antenna. The Wallops and
Fairbanks Command and Data Acquisition Stations (CDAs) and
Environmental Satellite Processing Center (ESPC) receiving antennas
may experience periods of Solar RFI as predicted below. Solar RFI
can cause loss of telemetry lock and command capability.
Solar RFI Predicted Times and Impacts for Fall 2018:
GOES-13 //
GOES-14 //
05 OCT-12 OCT 1853-1905 SUITLAND
GOES-15 //
05 OCT-12 OCT 1641-1653 FAIRMONT
Source: Direct Broadcast Manager, NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO/SPSD
Questions or comments may be directed to:
Data Management
NCO Production Management Branch Silver Spring
GISC/RTH Washington Sends
Effective 2018/03/26
Topic: NOAA Wallops Command & Data Acquisition Station (WCDAS) Facility Power Outage
Date/Time Issued: March 26, 2018 2115 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: All WCDAS data and other operational services
Date/Time of Initial Impact: April 3, 2018 1200 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: April 5, 2018 2359 UTC
Length of Outage: 48 to 60 Hours
Details/Specifics of Change:
The NOAA Wallops Command and Data Acquisition Station (WCDAS) is planning an entire site power outage on Tuesday, April 3, 2018. The outage is required to perform maintenance and repairs on the station's electrical power system. The power outage can be expected to last as long as three days although the goal is to complete the work within two days.
It is likely there will be an outage of the 1692.7 MHz Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) broadcast for the duration that WCDAS is down for both GOES-14 and 15. If there is an outage, users are asked to utilize GOES-15's LRIT broadcast, the NWS FTP or ByteBlaster services for EMWIN continuity of operations. Additionally, there will not be any NOAA-18 and NOAA-19 HRPT data from WCDAS.
It is not anticipated that dissemination of other data to users will be impacted during this power outage. However, if unforeseen data outages occur, users will be notified as information becomes available.
If a 'Critical Weather Day' is declared, the event will be rescheduled for April 10, 2018.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations atESPCOperations@noaa.govat 301-817-3880
Effective 2017/12/18
DM12-17.01 Restricted Use of Products Received in EMWIN Virtual Channels on the GOES-16 HRIT/EMWIN Effective: 2017/12/18
A text version of the file below was sent today on
An htm version is posted at
Effective 2017/12/13
DM12-17.01 EMWIN Service Degradation Commencing 1400 UTC, Saturday,,December 16, 2017 Effective: 2017/12/16 14Z UTC
A text version of the file below was sent today on
An htm version is posted at
Effective 2017/11/22
SCN17-120: GOES-14 Emergency Managers Weather Information Network Broadcast Available on or before December 11, 2017 A text version of the file below was sent today on
An htm version is posted at
Effective 2017/08/01
PNS17-28: Soliciting comments on the proposed transition of the NWS EMWIN FTP service through September 15, 2017
A text version of the file below was sent today on
An htm version is posted at
Effective 2017/07/28
SCN17-91: EMWIN GOES-East satellite broadcast signal and file format changes effective November 2017
A text version of the file below was sent today on AWIPS/NOAAPORT/NWWS/EMWIN.
An htm version is posted at
Effective 2018/03/29 Effective 2018/03/26 DM041801 GOES-14/15 EMWIN Satellite Broadcast Disruption Commencing 1200 UTC, April 3, 2018 NOXX10 KWBC 021030 Data Management Message 04-18.01 To: Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) Customers From: GISC/RTH Washington Data Management Subject: GOES-14/15 EMWIN Satellite Broadcast Disruption Commencing 1200 UTC, April 3, 2018 The NOAA Wallops Command & Data Acquisition Station (WCDAS), which provides the EMWIN data uplink service to the GOES-14 and 15 satellites, will undergo a planned 48 to 60 hour facility power outage commencing 1200 UTC, April 3, 2018. Date/Time of Initial Impact: April 3, 2018 1200 UTC Date/Time of Expected End: April 5, 2018 2359 UTC Length of Outage: 48 to 60 Hours The outage is required to perform maintenance and repairs on the station's electrical power system. The power outage can be expected to last as long as three days, although the goal is to complete the work within two days. It is likely there will be an outage of the 1692.7 MHz Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) broadcast for the duration that WCDAS is down for both GOES-14 and 15. If there is an outage, users are asked to utilize GOES-15’s LRIT broadcast, the NWS FTP or ByteBlaster services for EMWIN continuity of operations. If a ‘Critical Weather Day’ is identified to take place during this maintenance event, the event will be rescheduled for April 10, 2018. http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/cwd/ Information contained in this bulletin is posted on http://www.nws.noaa.gov/emwin/index.html#notices http://www.nws.noaa.gov/iscs/index.html Further information is available from: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov at 301-817-3880 NWS EMWIN Support at nws.emwin.support@noaa.gov Data Management NCO Production Management Branch College Park GISC/RTH Washington Sends NNNN EMWIN SERVICES TRANSITION - 2016/2017 - NOXX10 KWBC 031352 |
- NOXX10 KWBC 050045
- NOXX10 KWBC 071950 COR |