National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


The first major Winter storm of the 2023-24 winter season moved through the region beginning on January 8, 2024 and ended early on January 9th.   Snow developed early in the morning of the 8th, bringing an intense band of snowfall into the Tri-State area, with upwards of 1-2" per hour snowfall rates.  A rapid accumulation of 4 to 8 inches of snow was reported by mid-morning of the 8th during part one of this winter storm.  

After a short pause in the precipitation during the late morning, a second round of snow then developed during the afternoon and continued through the overnight hours on the 9th. Once again, heavy snowfall rates were observed in the region.

As the storm started to move east of the area, temperatures fell and strong wind gusts of 25 to 35 mph developed. This led to areas of blowing and drifting snow throughout the region.

Storm total snowfall ranged from a few inches in central South Dakota, to a large area of 6 to 12 inches aligned along the I-29 corridor.  For the cities of Sioux Falls and Sioux City, the daily snowfall total on January 8th established new daily records. Precipitation records were also broken for the date. The two-day totals for Sioux Falls and Sioux City both ranked in the top 10 heaviest snowfall on record for January.   

48 Hour Radar Summary
Image Image Image
Storm Total Snowfall (larger image) Regional Snowfall Totals Through 10am 1/9/24 2 day Snowfall Rankings For Sioux Falls


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