National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Severe Thunderstorms in the Central U.S.; Upper Level Low Over California

Scattered severe thunderstorms are possible today across central and eastern Minnesota, Iowa, and western Wisconsin. A few tornadoes, isolated very large hail, and damaging winds may occur. An upper level low will help trigger scattered thunderstorms over portions of central and southern California today along with a few inches of snow in the central Sierra Nevadas. Read More >

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Waco - Greatest Annual Days with Minimum 80°F or Greater

Rank # of Days Year
1 50 1925
2 43 1934
3 41 2011
4 38 1924
5 27 1918
26 1969
26 1923
21 2023
21 2022
10 19 1933



Record for Consecutive Days = 15 (August 12-26, 1934 and July 16-30, 1925)