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North Alabama and Southern Middle Tennessee Skywarn web page available! SKYWARN is the National Weather Service (NWS) program of trained volunteer weather spotters. Storm spotters come from many walks of life, including fire fighters, law enforcement, and amateur radio operators. SKYWARN spotters coordinate with local emergency management officials and send reports of weather based phenomena to the NWS. Skywarn spotter training is FREE and open to any member of the public. Prior registration is NOT required. In addition to serving as a community's first line of defense against dangerous storms, spotters provide important information to warning forecasters who make critical warning decisions. SKYWARN storm spotters play a critical role of giving the NWS vital ground truth data, which helps the NWS perform our primary mission, to save lives and property. The National Weather Service Forecast Office in Huntsville maintains communications with area emergency managers, law enforcement and spotters who report via amateur radio during severe or adverse weather events. The Northern Alabama SKYWARN group, and the NWS Huntsville provide guidelines and information on how to become involved with Northern Alabama and Southern Middle Tennessee SKYWARN activities. Spotter Information |
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