National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Overall, a quiet month. After beginning the month with some snow on the first day, we enjoyed a significant warm spell from the 9th to the 12th with high temperatures in the 60s. Things were quite different by Christmas Day, however, when a brief cold snap took readings down into the teens. Strong low pressure moving through the Great Lakes from the 23rd to the 25th brought light snow and gusty winds to the Ohio Valley. Winds gusted over 40 mph in spots. Locations in central Kentucky along and east of US 127 got around an inch of snow, with some spots in eastern Kentucky receiving half a foot of snow for Christmas.

  Average Temperature Departure from Normal Precipitation Departure from Normal Snow Departure from Normal
Bowling Green 39.5° +0.9° 3.02" -1.78" T -1.2"
Frankfort 36.8° +1.5° 2.19" -1.82"    
Lexington 35.5° -0.5° 2.59" -1.34" 3.6 +1.1"
Louisville Ali 39.8° +1.9° 2.52" -1.31" 0.5 -2.1"
Louisville Bowman 38.8° +1.6° 2.45" -1.56"    



1st: Snowfall of 1.5" at Lexington